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DOW 39512.84 125.08 (0.32%) | NASDAQ 16340.87 -5.4 (-0.03%) | S&P 500 5222.68 8.6 (0.16%)
Time of Screening : 5/10/2024 5:18:12 PM         Report Released : 5/10/2024 6:50:35 PM
Price is: Above 52W High and Less Than 52W High but within 15% of the 52 Week High
Volume Is: At least 150% of 50 Day Average at the time of the screening.
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Symbol - Exchange - Industry Group
Company Name
Last Chg Day
52 WK Hi % From Hi Volume
ALRM - NASDAQ - Security/Sfty
Alarm.Com Holdings, Inc
$67.93 -0.86
$70.20 $77.29 -12.11% 424,531
Most Recent Note for ALRM - 5/10/2024 5:20:42 PM
Slumped after meeting resistance at its 50 DMA line ($70) this week. Reported Mar '24 quarterly earnings +22% on +6% sales revenues versus the year ago period, and prior quarterly comparisons were below the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria). It went through a long deep consolidation since dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 2/25/21.
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ANET - NYSE - Computer-Networking
Arista Networks, Inc
$314.03 +17.96
$316.22 $307.74 2.04% 5,479,584
Most Recent Note for ANET - 5/10/2024 5:25:23 PM
Abruprtly rebounded from below its 50 DMA line ($280) this week and hit a new 52-week high with today's considerable 3rd consecutive volume-driven gain after a deep "V" shaped base over past 8 weeks. Faces no resistance due to overhead supply. It stayed well above its 200 DMA line and showed resilience since dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 4/17/24. Fundamentals remained strong through the Mar '24 quarter.
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ARIS - NYSE - Pollution Control
Aris Water Solutions Cl A
$16.84 -0.03
$17.27 $17.27 -2.49% 765,825
Most Recent Note for ARIS - 5/10/2024 5:28:46 PM
Holding its ground stubbornly perched at its 52-week high following a streak of 5 consecutive gains backed by ever-increasing volume. Reported Mar '24 quarterly earnings +100% on +13% sales revenues versus the year-ago period, its 2nd quarterly comparison above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria). Prior quarterly results were subpar and fundamental concerns remain.
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BRP - NASDAQ - Insurance-Brokers
BRP Group inc
$29.99 -0.03
$30.19 $32.00 -6.28% 560,331
Most Recent Note for BRP - 5/10/2024 5:33:48 PM
Pulled back today for a 2nd consecutive loss after rallying toward prior highs with a considerable volume-driven gain. Two of the 4 latest quarterly comparisons through Mar '24 have shown strong earnings increases well above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria). Annual earnings (A criteria) history has been strong and steady.
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CMRE - NYSE - Transportation-Ship
Costamare Inc
$13.37 -0.06
$13.81 $13.45 -0.59% 1,693,832
Most Recent Note for CMRE - 5/10/2024 5:36:32 PM
Greek shipping firm reversed into the red for a small loss today while churning heavy volume after hitting a new 52-week high. Through Mar '24 quarterly earnings +66% on +89% sales revenues versus the year ago period. Prior quarterly and annual earnings (C and A criteria) history is not a match with the fact-based investment system's fundamental guidelines.
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CRUS - NASDAQ - ELECTRONICS - Semiconductor - Specialized
Cirrus Logic Inc
$106.13 +2.35
$107.01 $104.16 1.89% 675,441
Most Recent Note for CRUS - 5/10/2024 5:42:19 PM
Rebounding toward its Mar '23 high with 7 consecutive volume-driven gains. Reported Mar '24 earnings +35% on +0% sales revenues versus the year ago period. Prior quarterly comparisons were below the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria). Annual earnings (A criteria) history has been up and down, not a good match with the fact-based investment system's strict fundamental guidelines.
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FICO - NYSE - Computer Sftwr-Financial
Fair Isaac Corp
$1,328.61 +41.83
$1,358.22 $1,349.75 -1.57% 431,468
Most Recent Note for FICO - 5/10/2024 5:48:25 PM
Rallied to hit a new all-time high with today's volume-driven gain. Reported Mar '24 earnings +28% on +14% sales revenues versus the year-ago period. Prior quarterly comparisons were not strong and steady above the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria). Annual earnings (A criteria) history has been steady.
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GMED - NYSE - CHEMICALS - Specialty Chemicals
Globus Medical Inc Cl A
$64.72 +0.36
$64.99 $65.74 -1.55% 1,794,086
Most Recent Note for GMED - 5/10/2024 5:49:33 PM
Reported earnings +36% on +119% sales revenues for the Mar '24 quarter but prior quarterly comparisons were subpar and fundamental concerns remain. It was dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 11/28/18.
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HASI - NYSE - Finance-Mortgage REIT
Hannon Armstrong Sus Inf
$32.08 -0.49
$32.65 $32.74 -2.02% 1,742,358
Most Recent Note for HASI - 5/10/2024 5:50:10 PM
This REIT spiked higher this week after it reported Mar '24 quarterly earnings +28% on +53% sales revenues. Prior comparisons were not strong and steady above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria). Annual earnings history has been slow and steady. Completed a new Public Offering on 12/12/18.
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HLNE - NASDAQ - Finance-Investment Mgmt
Hamilton Lane Inc
$115.00 -0.84
$116.37 $121.90 -5.66% 413,962
Most Recent Note for HLNE - 5/10/2024 5:51:33 PM
Consolidating above its 50 DMA line and perched within striking distance of its all-time high. Noted with caution in the 3/0724 mid-day report - "Fundamentals are not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines."
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HLT - NYSE - LEISURE - Lodging
Hilton Worldwide Hldgs
$208.08 +4.60
$208.33 $215.79 -3.57% 2,335,173
Most Recent Note for HLT - 5/10/2024 5:54:43 PM
Rebounding toward its all-time high, it gapped up today rallying back above its 50 DMA line ($205). Its Dec '23 and Mar '24 quarterly comparisons were below the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria). Its annual earnings history (A criteria) has been strong after a steep downturn in FY '20. Completed Secondary Offerings on 4/10/18, 10/02/17, 1/04/17, 11/14/16, 5/13/15, 11/03/14 and 6/24/14 after its $20 IPO on 12/12/13.
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LOPE - NASDAQ - DIVERSIFIED SERVICES - Education &; Training Services
Grand Canyon Education
$148.79 -0.47
$149.94 $156.56 -4.96% 262,913
Most Recent Note for LOPE - 5/10/2024 5:56:20 PM
Hit a new all-time high this week with considerable volume-driven gains. Reported earnings +18% on +10% sales revenues for the Mar '24 quarter versus the year-ago period. Prior quarterly comparisons were well below the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria) of the fact-based investment system.
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MAIN - NYSE - LEISURE - Restaurants
Main Street Capital Corp
$49.40 -1.36
$50.99 $51.10 -3.33% 628,933
Most Recent Note for MAIN - 5/10/2024 6:10:53 PM
Abruptly retreating from its all-time high with today's big volume-driven loss. Quarterly and annual earnings (C and A criteria) history is not a match with the fact-based investment system's fundamental guidelines.
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MFC - NYSE - INSURANCE - Life Insurance
Manulife Financial Corp
$26.05 +0.32
$26.16 $25.79 1.01% 8,572,154
Most Recent Note for MFC - 5/10/2024 6:16:12 PM
Powered to a new 52-week high with no resistance remaining due to overhead supply. Fundamental concerns remain after it reported earnings +19% on +85% sales revenues for the Mar '24 quarter versus the year-ago period.
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NGVC - NYSE - RETAIL - Grocery Stores
Nat Grocers Vit Cottage
$19.52 +1.69
$20.72 $19.35 0.88% 161,265
Most Recent Note for NGVC - 5/10/2024 6:22:13 PM
Gapped up hitting a new 52-week high with today's volume-driven gain. Faces some resistance due to old overhead supply up to the $24 level. Reported earnings +35% on +9% sales revenues for the Mar '24 quarter versus the year ago period, its 4th strong quarter above the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria). Annual earnings growth has been steady.
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ODC - NYSE - CHEMICALS - Specialty Chemicals
Oil Dri Corp America
$82.25 +0.15
$83.46 $82.37 -0.15% 26,683
Most Recent Note for ODC - 5/10/2024 6:25:11 PM
Dove well below its 200 DMA line this week with damaging volume-driven losses. Through Mar '24 its quarterly earnings increases have not been strong and steady above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria). Not a match with the fact-based investment system's fundamental guidelines due to its up and down annual earnings (A criteria) history.
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PRMW - NASDAQ - Beverages-Non-Alcoholic
Primo Water Corp
$21.18 +0.19
$21.69 $23.11 -8.35% 2,362,821
Most Recent Note for PRMW - 5/10/2024 6:26:46 PM
Held its ground above its 50 DMA line and powered to new all-time high territory with volume-driven gains. Reported earnings +171% on +10% sales revenues for the Mar '24 quarter versus the year ago period. Fundamental concerns remain. Quarterly and annual earnings (C and A criteria) history has been erratic and not a match with the fact-based investment system's fundamental guidelines. Completed a new Public Offering on 5/18/18.
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ROAD - NASDAQ - Bldg-Heavy Construction
Construction Partners Cl A
$55.44 +1.63
$57.42 $58.65 -5.47% 696,410
Most Recent Note for ROAD - 5/10/2024 6:29:50 PM
Rallied toward its all-time high. Reported earnings +82% on +14% sales revenues for the Mar '24 quarter versus the year ago period, its 5th consecutive quarterly comparison above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria). Annual earnings history (A criteria) is not a good match with the fundamental guidelines.
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TM - NYSE - AUTOMOTIVE - Auto Manufacturers - Major
Toyota Motor Corp Adr
$218.78 -8.46
$221.06 $255.23 -14.28% 562,508
Most Recent Note for TM - 5/10/2024 6:38:21 PM
Gapped down today for a damaging volume-driven loss, slumping further below its 50 DMA line ($239) and undercutting prior lows. Reported earnings +60% on +0% sales revenues for the Mar '24 quarter versus the year ago period, its 3rd strong quarterly earnings comparison. Fundamental concerns remain due to its up and down annual earnings (A criteria) history which is not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines.
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TREX - NYSE - MATERIALS & CONSTRUCTION - General Building Materials
Trex Company Inc
$87.38 -6.03
$90.81 $101.91 -14.26% 2,466,677
Most Recent Note for TREX - 5/10/2024 6:43:09 PM
Slumping today for a damaging volume-driven loss after meeting resistance at its 50 DMA line ($93.54). Reported Mar '24 quarterly earnings +116% on +2% sales revenues versus the year-ago period. Prior quarterly comparisons were not strong and steady above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria).
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VCTR - NASDAQ - Finance-Investment Mgmt
Victory Capital Hld
$48.69 -3.56
$50.94 $52.78 -7.75% 918,185
Most Recent Note for VCTR - 5/10/2024 6:45:19 PM
Gapped down today retreating from its 52-week high with a damaging volume-driven loss. Reported Mar '24 quarterly earnings +16% on +7% sales revenues versus the year-ago period. Prior quarterly comparisons were not strong and steady above the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria) and fundamental concerns remain. Completed its $13 IPO on 2/08/18.
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WES - NYSE - ENERGY - Oil &; Gas Pipelines
Western Gas Partners Lp
$36.23 -0.22
$36.60 $36.79 -1.52% 2,543,020
Most Recent Note for WES - 5/10/2024 6:50:30 PM
Perched within close striking distance of its 52-week high while it churned higher volume today. Reported earnings +183% on +21% sales revenues for the Mar '24 quarter versus the year ago period. Fundamental concerns remain. This Limited Partnership's prior quarterly comparisons have not shown strong and steady earnings increases above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria). Lackluster annual earnings (A criteria) history is also below guidelines of the fact-based investment system. Completed a Secondary Offering on 3/24/21.
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Kenneth J. Gruneisen founded Gruneisen Growth Corp. (2003), which prior to May 11, 2015, operated and both under license from Data Analysis Inc. / Investor's Business Daily. Kenneth has passed the CAN SLIM® Master's Exam. Gruneisen Growth Corp. now continues over two decades of fact based market analysis via

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