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Our team scans through thousands of stocks using the Fact Based Investment system's criteria to pinpoint the very best ideas. We heavily emphasize current quarterly earnings increases in our search. While a +25% earnings improvement is acceptable, we generally aim for even bigger increases like+50%, +80%, +90% or more. The Earnings Per Share (EPS) and Relative Strength (RS) ranks of Featured Stocks are usually higher than 80, although we may make exceptions in certain cases.
We look for technical trading patterns indicating that short-term price strength and momentum are most favorable. There is no way we can guarantee higher prices, but the stocks featured will generally have sound bases of support followed by price increases on high volume - technical breakouts. These are usually the most ideal candidates for significant growth.
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If you decide to invest in stocks, be aware that a risk of financial loss accompanies the exciting potential for gains.
To minimize your losses:
- Do not chase stocks and foolishly buy them extended from a reasonable base.
- Do not hold stocks that drop 7 - 8% or more from your purchase price.
- Follow these risk management strategies.
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