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DOW 10444.6 142.59 (1.38%) | NASDAQ 2215.76 33.89 (1.55%) | S&P 500 1095.89 16.51 (1.53%)
Time of Screening : 8/17/2010 12:02:18 PM         Report Released : 8/17/2010 12:45:10 PM
Price is: Above 52W High and Less Than 52W High but within 5% of the 52 Week High
Volume Is: At least 57.5% of 50 Day Average at the time of the screening.
More details about this report...

To View Current Notes and Data on currently Featured Stocks go to the latest
Featured Stocks Page
Company Name
Industry Group
Day High Volume
(% DAV)
(50 DAV)
52 Wk Hi
% From Hi
Pivot Point
Max Buy
Credit Acceptance Corp
$60.25 +0.94
$60.42 33,934
65.01% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 52,200
7/29/2010 $52.04 PP = $54.07
MB = $56.77
Most Recent Note - 8/17/2010 12:09:02 PM
G - Stubbornly held its ground and hit a new 52-week high today. Extended from its prior base, previous resistance near $54 defines initial chart support to watch.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/2/2010. Click here.
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Green Mtn Coffee Roastrs
$33.62 +1.34
$33.85 1,840,524
76.44% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 2,407,900
8/17/2010 $33.62 PP = $33.30
MB = $34.97
Most Recent Note - 8/17/2010 12:17:14 PM
Y - Hit a new 52-week high today, rising from a 19-week cup shaped pattern without forming a handle. It was dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 4/28/10. The number of top-rated funds owning its shares rose to 124 in Jun '10 from 111 in Mar '10. GMCR rallied more than 5-fold from its November '08 low.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 4/5/2010. Click here.
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Mercadolibre Inc
$70.00 +3.00
$70.32 1,071,545
102.66% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 1,043,800
5/13/2010 $54.21 PP = $55.85
MB = $58.64
Most Recent Note - 8/17/2010 12:28:37 PM
G - Gapped up today and hit another new 52-week high with a considerable gain backed by above average volume. Volume totals had been cooling after getting extended from any sound base. Prior highs in the $62 area define initial chart support.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 7/23/2010. Click here.
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Netflix Inc
$136.76 -0.46
$140.88 3,532,414
85.09% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 4,151,600
8/10/2010 $124.05 PP = $124.00
MB = $130.20
Most Recent Note - 8/17/2010 12:35:02 PM
G - Reversed into the red after gapping up and hitting another new all-time high today. Recently noted - "It is extended from prior highs that define important chart support now in the $124-127 area."
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/10/2010. Click here.
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Symbol - Exchange - Industry Group
Company Name
Last Chg Day
52 WK Hi % From Hi Volume
ARLP - NASDAQ - METALS & MINING - Nonmetallic Mineral Mining
Alliance Res Partners Lp
$52.93 +0.33
$53.25 $53.99 -1.96% 59,583
Most Recent Note for ARLP - 8/17/2010 12:06:50 PM
Rallying toward its 52-week high today. Formed a handle since last noted in the 8/02/10 mid-day report - "this MLP in the Energy - Coal industry has a quarterly and annual earnings history that has not been strong and steady."

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HLF - NYSE - DRUGS - Nutrition and Weight Management
Herbalife Ltd
$56.85 +2.30
$57.00 $57.59 -1.28% 353,429
Most Recent Note for HLF - 8/17/2010 12:19:03 PM
Held its ground stubbornly since its 8/03/10 gap up gain to a new all-time high after reporting earnings +69% on +20% better sales revenues for the quarter ended June 30, 2010 versus the year ago period. Interestingly, it was noted on 5/04/10 after reporting earnings +44% on +19% better sales revenues for the quarter ended March 31, 2010. Have a look at its chart and note that its up and down annual earnings history (A criteria) remains a fundamental concern. Noted in 5/03/10 mid-day report - "Results for the quarter ended Dec 31, 2009 showed increases in sales and earnings after 4 quarters of negative comparisons. It has rebounded impressively from its Bear Market lows, however its fundamentals are below guidelines, having slumped subsequent to the company's removal from the Featured Stocks list on 4/22/08 - details were then covered in the After Market Update with an annotated graph (read here)."
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IGTE - NASDAQ - COMPUTER SOFTWARE & SERVICES - Information Technology Service
Igate Corp
$17.33 +1.02
$17.41 $18.16 -4.57% 235,355
Most Recent Note for IGTE - 8/17/2010 12:21:31 PM
Recently found support well above its 50 DMA line and it is rallying back toward its 52-week high today. This high-ranked Fremont, CA-based firm in the Computer -Tech Services industry. It reported strong earnings results for the quarter ended June 30, 2010 and recent quarters show accelerating sales revenues and earnings increases. The downturn in FY '09 earnings hurts its annual earnings (A criteria) track record.
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Jinkosolar Hldg Co Ads
$21.12 +1.62
$21.15 $21.15 -0.14% 214,911
Most Recent Note for JKS - 8/17/2010 12:22:30 PM
Hit another a new high today. Noted in recent mid-day reports -"Extended from any sound base and well up from its $11 IPO on 5/14/10 after a streak of consecutive gains. Limited sales and earnings history is below guidelines. "
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JOBS - NASDAQ - DIVERSIFIED SERVICES - Staffing &; Outsourcing Service
Fifty One Job Inc Ads
$29.40 +1.59
$29.50 $29.50 -0.34% 107,068
Most Recent Note for JOBS - 8/17/2010 12:23:53 PM
Rallying for a new 52-week high today, extended from prior chart highs after a recent streak of gains backed by above average volume. It is clear of resistance due to overhead supply. The C criteria is now satisfied by 3 quarterly comparisons showing earnings improvement better than the +25% guideline, but its annual earnings history (A criteria) has been below guidelines of the fact-based investment system.
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MSB - NYSE - FINANCIAL SERVICES - Diversified Investments
Mesabi Trust
$25.98 +1.68
$26.38 $27.22 -4.56% 260,401
Most Recent Note for MSB - 8/17/2010 12:33:28 PM
Rising from a cup-with-handle type base pattern today. The 2 latest quarters showed better increases but prior quarters and annual earnings history has been below guidelines of the fact-based investment system.
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PCLN - NASDAQ - INTERNET - Internet Software & Services Inc
$305.11 +10.59
$306.84 $306.95 -0.60% 985,199
Most Recent Note for PCLN - 8/17/2010 12:38:09 PM
Hit another new all-time high today. Getting extended since its "breakaway gap" on 8/04/10 as noted in the mid-day report - "No overhead supply remains to act as resistance after clearing its deep 3-month consolidation. Based on weak action it was dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 5/07/10 and subsequently fell from $225 to $173 before beginning its impressive rebound."
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SAN - NYSE - BANKING - Foreign Regional Banks
Banco Santander Sa Adr
$83.67 -0.64
$84.90 $87.63 -4.52% 96,379
Most Recent Note for SAN - 8/17/2010 12:40:19 PM
It steadily rallied since clearing prior resistance in the $72 area and it is now consolidating, extended from any sound base. The Chilean bank has a good annual earnings (A criteria) history and its latest quarter ended March 31, 2010 showed better increases, however its prior quarterly comparisons show that sales revenues and earnings have not been strong and steady and included a streak of 5 quarters with negative sales growth.
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Summer Infant Inc
$8.04 -0.02
$8.15 $8.42 -4.51% 79,054
Most Recent Note for SUMR - 8/17/2010 12:42:11 PM
Encountering stubborn resistance near its 52 week high and recent highs in the $8.25 area following a cup-with-handle type base pattern. With strong sales revenues growth reported +29% its earnings per share grew by only +18% in the quarter ended June 30, 2010. Based on sluggish performance it was dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 7/09/10.
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USNA - NYSE - DRUGS - Drug Related Products
U S A N A Health Science
$44.13 -0.16
$44.95 $45.00 -1.93% 58,752
Most Recent Note for USNA - 8/17/2010 12:44:36 PM
Enduring distributional pressure near its 52-week high after recent volume-driven gains. Among several high-ranked leaders (L criteria) in the Cosmetics/Personal Care group appearing in recent mid-day reports, this network marketer of dietary supplements, health foods, and skin care products quarter ending June 30, 2010 showed sales revenues up +12% and earnings per share up +21% versus the year ago period. Noted in recent mid-day reports - "Showing recent improvement, but fundamentally the C and A criteria are not satisfied. Current earnings per share should be up +25% or more and in the 3 or 4 latest comparisons versus the year earlier, and ideally growth should be accelerating in recent quarters. Quarterly sales should also be up +25% or more or accelerating over prior quarters."
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Kenneth J. Gruneisen founded Gruneisen Growth Corp. (2003), which prior to May 11, 2015, operated and both under license from Data Analysis Inc. / Investor's Business Daily. Kenneth has passed the CAN SLIM® Master's Exam. Gruneisen Growth Corp. now continues over two decades of fact based market analysis via

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