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DOW 13230.7 65.92 (0.50%) | NASDAQ 3057.53 26.6 (0.88%) | S&P 500 1413.06 7.53 (0.54%)
Time of Screening : 8/16/2012 12:15:58 PM         Report Released : 8/16/2012 1:16:24 PM
Price is: Above 52W High and Less Than 52W High but within 8% of the 52 Week High
Volume Is: At least 75% of 50 Day Average at the time of the screening.
More details about this report...

To View Current Notes and Data on currently Featured Stocks go to the latest
Featured Stocks Page
Company Name
Industry Group
Day High Volume
(% DAV)
(50 DAV)
52 Wk Hi
% From Hi
Pivot Point
Max Buy
Altisource Ptf Sltns Sa
$88.46 +3.77
$88.82 133,798
106.36% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 125,800
6/5/2012 $60.01 PP = $63.00
MB = $66.15
Most Recent Note - 8/16/2012 12:22:54 PM
G - Hitting another new all-time high today with higher volume behind its gain. It is extended from its prior base, and its 50 DMA line defines near-term support to watch.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/3/2012. Click here.
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Symbol - Exchange - Industry Group
Company Name
Last Chg Day
52 WK Hi % From Hi Volume
ARTNA - NASDAQ - UTILITIES - Water Utilities
Artesian Res Corp
$21.95 -0.42
$22.23 $23.10 -4.98% 21,050
Most Recent Note for ARTNA - 8/16/2012 12:21:31 PM
Consolidating -5.0% off its 52-week high hit last week. Stayed well above prior highs and above its 50 DMA line since last noted in the 6/29/12 mid-day report noted - "Rallied from a long flat base with a spurt of volume-driven gains over the past week. This Utility - Water Supply firm's earnings history is not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines."
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CHH - NYSE - LEISURE - Lodging
Choice Hotels Intl Inc
$43.68 +0.75
$43.75 $43.75 -0.17% 212,130
Most Recent Note for CHH - 8/16/2012 12:23:36 PM
Hitting another new 52-week high with today's 4th consecutive gain backed by above average volume. While meeting resistance in the $42 area recently, prior mid-day reports noted - "Earnings history is not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines."

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CHL - NYSE - TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Wireless Communications
China Mobile Ltd Adr
$55.39 -3.50
$56.50 $59.45 -6.83% 1,124,556
Most Recent Note for CHL - 8/16/2012 12:28:58 PM
Gapped down today for a considerable loss, trading near its 50 DMA line. Last noted in the 4/23/12 mid-day report when also gapping down near its 50 DMA line - "It has a sub par earnings and sales revenues growth history. Large supply of 4 billion shares outstanding would typically make a stock unlikely to be a big mover unless there was immense institutional buying demand."
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CORE - NASDAQ - WHOLESALE - Food Wholesale
Core Mark Holdings Co
$47.82 +2.78
$48.00 $50.56 -5.42% 47,647
Most Recent Note for CORE - 8/16/2012 12:33:35 PM
Rebounding above its 50 DMA line with today's considerable gain. Reported earnings +16% on +12% sales revenues for the Jun '12 quarter. Last noted in the 6/27/12 mid-day report - "Strong quarterly earnings increases above the +25% guideline in the 3 latest comparisons through Mar '12 satisfy the C criteria, but its annual earnings (A criteria) history has been up and down."
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FEIC - NASDAQ - ELECTRONICS - Diversified Electronics
F E I Co
$55.38 -0.18
$55.49 $56.48 -1.95% 881,187
Most Recent Note for FEIC - 8/16/2012 12:35:23 PM
Hovering near its 52-week high today. Prior mid-day reports noted a spurt of volume-driven gains while repeatedly warned - "Found support above its 200 DMA line in recent months after weak action and deteriorating fundamentals prompted it to be dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 5/15/12. Reported earnings +19% on +5% sales revenues for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 versus the year ago period, marking 3 consecutive quarters below the +25% minimum guideline for earnings growth."
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FLT - NYSE - DIVERSIFIED SERVICES - Business/Management Services
Fleetcor Technologies
$42.00 +0.04
$42.25 $42.25 -0.59% 524,734
Most Recent Note for FLT - 8/16/2012 12:38:21 PM
Hitting a new 52-week high today while trading up for a 3rd consecutive session, adding to its recent spurt of volume-driven gains. Reported earnings increases above the +25% guideline in the Mar and Jun '12 quarters. Found support above its 200 DMA line during its deep consolidation since noted in the 5/09/12 mid-day report - "On 3/14/12 it priced a Secondary Offering. Quarterly earnings increases in the Sep and Dec '11 comparisons versus the year ago periods were below the +25% minimum guideline. It has formed a 9-month cup shaped base."
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GILD - NASDAQ - DRUGS - Biotechnology
Gilead Sciences Inc
$56.97 -1.00
$58.00 $58.84 -3.18% 4,723,903
Most Recent Note for GILD - 8/16/2012 12:39:18 PM
Earnings increases have been below the +25% guidelines in the past 9 quarterly comparisons through Jun '12. It survived but failed to impress since weak technical action was noted and it was dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 1/22/08.
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INXN - NYSE - Internet-Network Sltns
Interxion Holding Nv
$19.31 +0.14
$19.42 $20.30 -4.88% 208,512
Most Recent Note for INXN - 8/16/2012 12:41:05 PM
Holding its ground just -4.1% off its 52-week high today. Prior mid-day reports noted - "Quarterly and annual earnings (C & A criteria) history for this Netherlands-based Internet - Network Solutions firm has not been strong and steady enough to meet the fact-based investment system's guidelines."
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KORS - NYSE - RETAIL - Apparel Stores
Michael Kors Hldgs Ltd
$48.88 -0.51
$49.52 $50.69 -3.57% 4,014,514
Most Recent Note for KORS - 8/16/2012 12:43:46 PM
The high-ranked Apparel - Clothing Manufacturing firm traded within 1 cent of its 52-week high on the prior session. It is up from earlier lows after a pullback today following 3 consecutive volume-driven gains. Its old high was followed by a Secondary Offering completed on 3/23/12, then a deep consolidation below its 50 DMA line. Reported earnings +162% on +71% for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 versus the year ago period. Prior mid-day reports noted - "Limited history is a concern and it is extended from any sound base pattern, up considerably from its 12/15/11 IPO priced at $20."

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MCC - NYSE - MATERIALS & CONSTRUCTION - General Building Materials
Medley Capital Corp
$13.10 -0.10
$13.17 $13.22 -0.91% 227,080
Most Recent Note for MCC - 8/16/2012 12:47:02 PM
Perched near its 52-week and all-time highs. Recent quarterly comparisons through Jun '12 showed big sales revenues and earnings increases, however prior mid-day reports have repeatedly noted - "Earnings history is not a match with the winning models of the fact-based system."
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NSR - NYSE - TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Diversified Communication Serv
Neustar Inc
$37.02 +0.74
$37.07 $38.69 -4.31% 322,144
Most Recent Note for NSR - 8/16/2012 12:50:45 PM
Rebounding from a deep consolidation below its 200 DMA line since last noted, and it reported better sales revenues and earnings increases in the Mar and Jun '12 quarters. Prior quarterly comparisons showed sub par results (below the +25% earnings guideline). Last noted in the 3/22/12 mid-day report - "Quarterly and annual earnings (C and A criteria) history is not a good match with the fact-based system's guidelines."
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OKSB - NASDAQ - BANKING - Savings & Loans
Southwest Bancorp Okla
$10.93 +0.15
$10.97 $10.99 -0.55% 278,056
Most Recent Note for OKSB - 8/16/2012 12:52:09 PM
Edging to another new 52-week high today with a volume-driven gain. The 8/09/12 mid-day report noted - "Earnings history for this Banks - West/Southwest firm is not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines."
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PETM - NASDAQ - SPECIALTY RETAIL - Specialty Retail, Other
Petsmart Inc
$70.29 +2.85
$72.50 $72.50 -3.05% 2,418,540
Most Recent Note for PETM - 8/16/2012 12:57:19 PM
Off the session's earlier highs, it gapped up today hitting a new 52-week high following a late stage 8-week "double bottom" base pattern. Reported earnings +31% on +9% sales revenues for the quarter ended July 31, 2012 versus the year ago period. Current earnings per share have been up +25% or more in 3 of the past 4 comparisons, which is good concerning the C criteria. However, quarterly sales revenues increases in the +8-9% are below the robust growth guidelines of the investment system, while sales should be up +18-25% or more or showing great acceleration over prior quarters.
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ROST - NASDAQ - RETAIL - Apparel Stores
Ross Stores Inc
$68.08 -0.43
$69.60 $70.04 -2.80% 2,279,668
Most Recent Note for ROST - 8/16/2012 1:02:54 PM
The high-ranked Retail - Apparel/Shoes/Accessories firm found support near its 50 DMA line recently while trading in a tight range near its 52-week high, building on a late stage base. Reported earnings +27% on +12% sales revenues for the quarter ended July 31, 2012 versus the year ago period. Prior quarterly earnings comparisons have been near or just below the investment system's +25% minimum guidelines (C criteria), and it has also maintained a strong annual earnings history (A criteria).
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RWT - NYSE - REAL ESTATE - REIT - Diversified/Industrial
Redwood Trust Inc
$13.65 +0.13
$13.69 $13.69 -0.31% 377,742
Most Recent Note for RWT - 8/16/2012 1:05:09 PM
Showed stronger sales revenues and earnings in the Mar and Jun '12 quarterly comparisons, but its prior quarterly and annual earnings (A criteria) history is not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines. Faces overhead supply which may act as resistance up through the $17 level.

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SIRI - NASDAQ - MEDIA - Broadcasting - Radio
Sirius X M Holdings Inc
$2.58 +0.03
$2.60 $2.60 -0.77% 43,028,266
Most Recent Note for SIRI - 8/16/2012 1:06:42 PM
Inching to another new 52-week and multi-year high today with above average volume behind its 5th consecutive gain. After last week's spurt of gains backed by very heavy above average volume no overhead supply remains to act as resistance. Reported greatly improved earnings with sales revenues up +13% in the Jun '12 quarter. Recently said it intended to offer $400 mln of Senior Notes. Following years of losses it reported profits in FY '10 and FY '11, however the investment system guidelines (A criteria) call for 3-5 years of strong and steady earnings growth. It has a large supply of 3.8 billion shares outstanding. Low-priced stocks are discouraged from consideration under the fact-based investment system.
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SSI - NYSE - RETAIL - Apparel Stores
Stage Stores Inc
$20.27 +0.15
$21.65 $21.65 -6.37% 228,682
Most Recent Note for SSI - 8/16/2012 1:08:36 PM
Hitting new 52-week and multi-year highs today, however it has erased most of its earlier gain. Last noted in the 8/02/12 mid-day report - "Quarterly and annual earnings history is not a match with the fact-based investment system's C and A criteria."

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STSA - NASDAQ - BANKING - Savings & Loans
Sterling Financial Corp
$20.52 +0.09
$20.57 $21.94 -6.47% 189,312
Most Recent Note for STSA - 8/16/2012 1:09:56 PM
Proposed a Secondary Offering on 8/14/12 and prior mid-day reports on 3 occasions this August repeatedly noted - "Erratic earnings history is not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines."
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Team Inc
$31.66 +1.33
$31.78 $33.50 -5.49% 106,252
Most Recent Note for TISI - 8/16/2012 1:14:01 PM
Rallying from its 50 DMA line today, trading within -4.8% of its 52-week high. Earnings increases were above the +25% minimum guideline in 3 of the past 4 quarterly comparisons through May '12 versus the year ago periods. It went through a deep consolidation below its 200 DMA line then rebounded since last noted in the 4/02/12 mid-day report - "Recent quarterly comparisons showed improving sales revenues and earnings increases. A downturn in FY '10 earnings is a flaw with respect to the A criteria. Fundamentals are below guidelines now. Based on weak action it was dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 10/03/08."
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VASC - NASDAQ - HEALTH SERVICES - Medical Instruments & Supplies
Vascular Solutions
$13.63 -0.12
$13.83 $14.12 -3.47% 47,359
Most Recent Note for VASC - 8/16/2012 1:15:00 PM
Encountering some distributional pressure this week while hovering near its 52-week high after a spurt of volume-driven gains. Prior mid-day reports repeatedly noted - "Fundamentals are still not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines. Reported earnings +15% on +11% sales revenues for the Jun '12 quarter. Survived but failed to impress since noted in the 8/08/11 mid-day report - 'Gapped down today, pulling back from its 52-week high hit last week. Annual earnings (A criteria) history has been good. The 2 latest quarterly comparisons versus the year ago period showed sales revenues increases in the +14-17% range with earnings per share increases in the +25-44% range. Ownership by top-rated funds fell from 124 in Dec '10 to 116 in Jun '11, whereas increasing institutional interest (I criteria) is clearly desired.'"
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WMT - NYSE - RETAIL - Discount, Variety Stores
Wal-Mart Stores
$71.97 -2.48
$72.75 $75.24 -4.35% 10,834,878
Most Recent Note for WMT - 8/16/2012 1:16:06 PM
Gapped down today, retreating from its 52-week high. Prior mid-day reports noted - "The world's largest retailer's sales revenues and earnings increases in quarterly comparisons do not meet the fact-based system's guidelines, meanwhile its annual earnings growth has been slow but steady."
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Kenneth J. Gruneisen founded Gruneisen Growth Corp. (2003), which prior to May 11, 2015, operated and both under license from Data Analysis Inc. / Investor's Business Daily. Kenneth has passed the CAN SLIM® Master's Exam. Gruneisen Growth Corp. now continues over two decades of fact based market analysis via

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