It has an Earnings Per Share Rating of 97. LAD reported earnings +193% on +55% sales revenues for the Mar '21 quarter versus the year ago period, its 3rd consecutive quarterly earnings increases above the +25% minimum (C criteria) guideline with sequential quarters showing acceleration in its sales revenues growth rate. This Medford, Oregon-based Retail/Wholesale - Automobile firm's annual earnings history (A criteria) has been strong and steady after a dramatic downturn in FY '07 and '08 earnings.
LAD completed a new Public Offering on 9/30/20. There are 26.6 million shares outstanding (S criteria) which can contribute to greater volatility in the event of institutional buying or selling. The number of top-rated funds owning its shares rose from 567 in Jun '20 to 755 in Mar '21, a reassuring sign concerning the I criteria. Its Timeliness Rating is B and Sponsorship Rating is B.