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Indices NYSE Nasdaq
DOW  -133.96 10,040.45 -1.32% Volume 1,174,151,056 +36% Volume 2,165,373,474 +33%
NASDAQ -35.87 2,123.76 -1.66% Advancers 730 23% Advancers 670 24%
S&P 500 -15.49 1,051.87 -1.45% Decliners 2,286 73% Decliners 1,965 72%
Russell 2000 -7.08 595.59 -1.17% 52 Wk Highs 112   52 Wk Highs 17  
S&P 600 -3.26 319.63 -1.01% 52 Wk Lows 171   52 Wk Lows 246  

Market Sinks As Poor Housing Data Numbs Investors

The major averages ended in the red, yet off their intra day lows, after existing home sales tanked, the 10-year Treasury yield plunged to the lowest level in 17 months, and the yen rose to the highest level versus the dollar since 1995. Volume reported on the NYSE and the Nasdaq exchange rose on Tuesday compared to Monday's levels which marked the latest distribution day and effectively ended the current rally attempt. Decliners led advancers by a 3-to-1 ratio on the NYSE and on the Nasdaq exchange. New 52-week lows outnumbered new 52-week highs on the NYSE and on the Nasdaq exchange. There were 6 high-ranked companies from the Leaders List made a new 52-week high and appeared on the BreakOuts Page, much lower than the 25 issues that appeared on the prior session.

Overnight, stocks in Asia and Europe fell after the yen jumped to a 15-year high against the dollar and Treasury rates slid to their lowest level since the March 2009 bottom. This put pressure on US futures and set the stage for a weak open. The "big" headline of the day occurred when the National Association of Realtors said existing home sales slid by -27.2% to a 3.83 million annual rate in April. The outsized decline was attributed to a high unemployment rate and slowing economic data. This was also the lowest reading in a decade and lower than the worst estimate on Wall Street.

The technical action in the major averages continues to weaken alongside the latest round of tepid economic data. Currently, resistance for the the major averages are their 50 DMA lines, then their longer term 200 DMA lines. It is also disconcerting to see the action in several leading stocks remain questionable as evidenced by the dearth of high-ranked leaders breaking out of sound bases. From our perspective, Monday's negatively reversal coupled with Tuesday's ugly distribution day effectively ended the latest rally attempt. This emphasizes the importance of remaining cautious until the rally is back in a confirmed uptrend. Put simply, we can expect this sideways/choppy action to continue until the market breaks out above resistance or below support (recent chart lows). The first scenario will have bullish ramifications while the second will be clearly bearish. Trade accordingly.

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PICTURED: The S&P 500 Index fell for a 4th consecutive session. Volume totals have not been heavy behind the recent damage.  Heavier volume totals would be a clearer sign of capitulation, but the near average totals suggest that investors are simply numb, not in a panicked state.

Bank Index Close at New 2010 Low Bodes Poorly

Among the leading culprits as the major averages slumped were financial stocks as the Bank Index ($BKX -2.15%) and Broker/Dealer Index ($XBD -1.94%) failed to find a footing. The Retail Index ($RLX -1.31%) was down, and tech sector had a negative bias as the Biotechnology Index ($BTK -1.80%), Semiconductor Index ($SOX -1.66%), Internet Index ($IIX -1.65%), and Networking Index ($NWX -1.40%) finished unanimously lower.  Energy shares also slid as the Integrated Oil Index ($XOI -1.65%) and Oil Services Index ($OSX -0.55%) lost ground.  Defensive groups including the Healthcare Index ($HMO -1.53%) and Gold & Silver Index ($XAU -1.52%) offered no reward for investors in those classic "safe haven" areas in times of economic uncertainty.    

Charts courtesy

PICTURED: The Bank Index ($BKX -2.15%) slumped to a new 2010 low close on Tuesday does not bode well for the market outlook.  Its 50 and 200 DMA lines recently converged, which chartists have termed a "death cross" because such a crossover often bodes poorly for the near-term outlook. The major averages are more prone to suffer damage when financial stocks are week.  Financial stocks are viewed as a critical "leading indicator" and have a long history of being a reliable indicator of what the broader market may likely do next. Long time readers of this commentary may recall that we previously covered how the financial indexes topped in 2007 and began breaking down several months before the broader market averages finally topped and broke down.  Strength in the financial group is increasingly critical to see, but we are not seeing it thus far.

Industry Index Symbol Close Change % Change YTD % Change
Oil Services $OSX  172.42 -0.95 -0.55% -11.54%
Healthcare $HMO  1,433.23 -22.22 -1.53% -2.70%
Integrated Oil $XOI  931.42 -15.60 -1.65% -12.81%
Semiconductor $SOX  318.41 -5.37 -1.66% -11.53%
Networking $NWX  224.27 -3.18 -1.40% -2.94%
Internet $IIX  244.05 -4.10 -1.65% +4.36%
Broker/Dealer $XBD  100.77 -2.00 -1.94% -12.42%
Retail $RLX  399.72 -5.29 -1.31% -2.77%
Gold & Silver $XAU  173.16 -2.68 -1.52% +2.92%
Bank $BKX  43.59 -0.96 -2.15% +2.06%
Biotech $BTK  1,045.89 -19.19 -1.80% +11.01%

Near 50 DMA and Important Support After Loss On Heavier Volume

Rovi Corp (ROVI -$1.72 or -3.96% to $41.58) gapped down today for a loss with nearly 2 times average volume, sinking near its 50-day moving average line. Below that important short-term average support is defined by prior chart resistance in the $40 area. Violations may trigger technical sell signals and prompt investors to limit losses or lock in profits, especially with broader market weakness (the M criteria) recently raising concerns.  Meanwhile, it is reassuring that its earnings per share increases in 3 of the past 4 quarterly comparisons versus the year ago period showed better than +25% growth and it has a decent annual earnings track record in recent years. However, the M criteria of the investment system argues that 3 out of 4 stocks will follow along with the direction of the broader market averages. Members who are following along with recently published market commentaries have seen numerous reasons cited for increased caution.

Color Codes Explained :
Y - Better candidates highlighted by our staff of experts.
G - Previously featured in past reports as yellow but may no longer be buyable under the guidelines.

***Last / Change / Volume data in this table is the closing quote data***
Company Name
Industry Group
Day High Volume
(% DAV)
(% 50 day avg vol)
52 Wk Hi
% From Hi
Pivot Featured
Max Buy
Comp De Bebidas Adr
FOOD and BEVERAGE - Beverages - Brewers  
$108.73 -0.29


110.33% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 647,400
6/29/2010 $104.74 PP = $109.33
MB = $114.80
Most Recent Note - 8/23/2010 12:32:25 PM
G - This Brazil-based beverage firm is perched near its all-time high. Color code was changed to green despite its recent resilience, as fundamental concerns were raised as for the quarter ended June 30, 2010 it reported +19% earnings on +16% sales revenues, below the +25% guidelines.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/18/2010. Click here.

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Baidu Inc Ads
INTERNET - Internet Information Providers  
$77.34 -2.03


86.53% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 11,098,600
7/14/2010 $75.03 PP = $78.59
MB = $82.52
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 7:19:03 PM
G - Loss today on near average volume, closing near prior highs that define technical support along with its 50 DMA line.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/13/2010. Click here.

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Credit Acceptance Corp
FINANCIAL SERVICES - Credit Services  
$58.33 -0.80


36.01% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 54,200
7/29/2010 $52.04 PP = $54.07
MB = $56.77
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 7:23:32 PM
G - Rebounded and closed in the upper half of its intra-day range again today. Extended from its prior base, previous resistance near $54 defines initial chart support to watch.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/2/2010. Click here.

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Salesforce.Com Inc
INTERNET - Internet Software and Services  
$113.29 +1.01


286.59% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 2,406,200
6/2/2010 $88.44 PP = $89.60
MB = $94.08
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 12:37:28 PM
G - Holding its ground since a gap up on 8/20/10 for a considerable gain and new all-time high, extended from any sound base. It reported sales +25% and earnings +0% versus the year ago period ended July 31st, marking its second consecutive quarterly comparison with earnings per share below the +25% guideline.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/16/2010. Click here.

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Eldorado Gold Corp
METALS and MINING - Gold  
$17.98 -0.31


84.74% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 4,172,600
8/19/2010 $18.25 PP = $19.17
MB = $20.13
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 7:25:10 PM
Y - Still quietly consolidating, this Canada-based mining firm has built a longer base-on-base type pattern. It was featured in the 8/19/10 mid-day report (read here) in yellow with a pivot point based on its 52-week high plus ten cents.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/19/2010. Click here.

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Company Name
Industry Group
Day High Volume
(% DAV)
(% 50 day avg vol)
52 Wk Hi
% From Hi
Pivot Featured
Max Buy
F 5 Networks Inc
INTERNET - Internet Software and Services  
$86.27 -3.00


85.94% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 1,698,300
6/16/2010 $74.50 PP = $74.10
MB = $77.81
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 7:26:18 PM
G - Small gap down today for a loss on below average volume. Recently noted as -"extended from any sound base after recent volume-driven gains, it could go on to produce more climactic gains."
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/4/2010. Click here.

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Fossil Inc
CONSUMER DURABLES - Recreational Goods, Other  
$44.38 +0.02


102.40% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 843,900
8/10/2010 $45.54 PP = $42.69
MB = $44.82
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 7:27:20 PM
Y - Holding its ground in a very tight trading range since its considerable "breakaway gap" on 8/10/10 for a new 52-week high and all-time high.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/11/2010. Click here.

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Green Mtn Coffee Roastrs
FOOD and BEVERAGE - Processed and Packaged Goods  
$31.56 -1.19


86.88% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 2,352,800
8/17/2010 $33.62 PP = $33.30
MB = $34.97
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 7:30:23 PM
Y - Gapped down today for a small loss on below average volume, closing near an upward trendline that defines initial chart support well above its 50 DMA line.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/17/2010. Click here.

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Mercadolibre Inc
INTERNET - Internet Software and; Services  
$65.92 -2.17


64.30% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 1,049,000
5/13/2010 $54.21 PP = $55.85
MB = $58.64
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 7:32:06 PM
G - Pulling back from its 52 week high today after a negative reversal on the prior session. It has been noted - "Extended from any sound base. Prior highs in the $62 area define initial chart support."
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 7/23/2010. Click here.

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Medicis Pharmaceut Cl A
DRUGS - Biotechnology  
$26.38 -0.50


83.67% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 1,121,700
8/12/2010 $26.88 PP = $26.71
MB = $28.05
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 7:34:20 PM
Y - Small gap up down today for a loss on light volume. The high-ranked Medical - Ethical Drugs firm is consolidating near prior chart highs.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/12/2010. Click here.

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Company Name
Industry Group
Day High Volume
(% DAV)
(% 50 day avg vol)
52 Wk Hi
% From Hi
Pivot Featured
Max Buy
M W I Veterinary Supply
HEALTH SERVICES - Medical Instruments and; Supplies  
$53.48 +0.27


117.42% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 76,600
7/29/2010 $52.05 PP = $52.09
MB = $54.69
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 7:37:03 PM
Y - Perched near its all-time high, showing impressive strength after rallying up from recent lows in the $46 area that define an important chart support level.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 7/30/2010. Click here.

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Newmont Mining Corp
METALS and MINING - Gold  
$57.12 -0.46


103.29% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 7,696,100
6/22/2010 $59.60 PP = $59.67
MB = $62.65
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 7:39:59 PM
G - Loss today with near average volume, slumping below its 50 DMA line again after briefly rallying above that important short-term average last week. Color code is changed to green again based on recent weakness.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/6/2010. Click here.

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Neogen Corp
DRUGS - Diagnostic Substances  
$28.02 -0.54


55.86% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 82,800
7/22/2010 $27.19 PP = $27.87
MB = $29.26
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 7:41:29 PM
Y- Gapped down today for a small loss on light volume. Color code was changed to yellow while consolidating in a healthy fashion just above its 50 DMA line and prior highs in the $27 area defining important technical support.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/20/2010. Click here.

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Netflix Inc
SPECIALTY RETAIL - Music and Video Stores  
$121.28 -5.62


117.73% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 4,426,300
8/10/2010 $124.05 PP = $124.00
MB = $130.20
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 7:43:59 PM
G- Gapped down today for a loss on above average volume and sank below its prior high of $124 noted as an important support level to watch. Color code is changed to green based on distributional action and its slump below its pivot point.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/10/2010. Click here.

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Rovi Corp
COMPUTER SOFTWARE andamp; SERVICES - Security Software andamp; Services  
$41.58 -1.72


186.07% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 1,122,300
6/3/2010 $38.70 PP = $40.16
MB = $42.17
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 8:02:20 PM
G - Today it gapped down for a loss with nearly 2 times average volume. Prior highs in the $40 area and its 50 DMA line define chart support.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/24/2010. Click here.

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Company Name
Industry Group
Day High Volume
(% DAV)
(% 50 day avg vol)
52 Wk Hi
% From Hi
Pivot Featured
Max Buy
Steven Madden Limited
CONSUMER NON-DURABLES - Textile - Apparel Footwear  
$34.80 -0.93


117.20% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 428,700
8/5/2010 $39.55 PP = $41.08
MB = $43.13
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 8:04:40 PM
G - Closed just below its 50 DMA line today with a loss on volume slightly above average.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/5/2010. Click here.

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Vanceinfo Tech Inc Ads
COMPUTER SOFTWARE and SERVICES - Business Software and Services  
$26.79 -0.98


196.51% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 529,100
7/8/2010 $25.20 PP = $26.58
MB = $27.91
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 8:06:48 PM
Y - Gapped down today for a loss with 2 times average volume, reversing from its 52-week high after its prior gain was backed by only +21% above average volume. No resistance remains due to overhead supply. Found support near its 50 DMA line last week after enduring distributional pressure.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 7/26/2010. Click here.

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Warner Chilcott Plc
DRUGS - Drug Manufacturers - Other  
$29.44 +0.01


223.70% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 1,495,100
8/23/2010 $29.54 PP = $29.34
MB = $30.81
Most Recent Note - 8/24/2010 8:12:49 PM

Y - Closed near the session low today, after initially gapping up and hitting a new all-time high, enduring distributional pressure amid widespread market weakness. It was featured in yellow in the mid-day report on 8/23/10 (read here), rising from a cup shaped base formed since it was noted in the 5/06/10 mid-day report - "Earnings and sales revenues history has been below guidelines of the fact-based system, yet showed drastic increases in the quarter ended Dec 31, 2010. It encountered stubborn resistance in the $29 area since the high-ranked firm hailing from the Medical - Ethical Drugs industry was noted in a handful of Q4 2009 mid-day reports after announcing plans to buy Procter & Gamble Co's prescription drug business in a deal first announced 8/24/09."

>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/23/2010. Click here.

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Kenneth J. Gruneisen founded Gruneisen Growth Corp. (2003), which prior to May 11, 2015, operated and both under license from Data Analysis Inc. / Investor's Business Daily. Kenneth has passed the CAN SLIM® Master's Exam. Gruneisen Growth Corp. now continues over two decades of fact based market analysis via

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