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DOW 13131.06 28.45 (0.22%) | NASDAQ 2989.51 -0.95 (-0.03%) | S&P 500 1415.65 2.54 (0.18%)
Time of Screening : 10/24/2012 11:51:16 AM         Report Released : 10/24/2012 1:24:29 PM
Price is: Above 52W High and Less Than 52W High but within 10% of the 52 Week High
Volume Is: At least 65% of 50 Day Average at the time of the screening.
More details about this report...

To View Current Notes and Data on currently Featured Stocks go to the latest
Featured Stocks Page
Company Name
Industry Group
Day High Volume
(% DAV)
(50 DAV)
52 Wk Hi
% From Hi
Pivot Point
Max Buy
Cardinal Financial Corp
$14.96 +0.79
$14.96 114,050
129.75% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 87,900
8/17/2012 $12.84 PP = $13.31
MB = $13.98
Most Recent Note - 10/24/2012 12:15:57 PM
Y - Market conditions (M criteria) argue against any new buying efforts until a new confirmed rally in the broader market. CFNL is tallying another considerable gain with heavy volume today, spiking to a new 52-week high. Color code is changed to yellow however no new pivot point is cited, yet a valid secondary buy point otherwise exists from its recently successful test of support at its 10-week moving average (WMA) line up to +5% above its latest highs (9/24/12 high of $14.79 plus another +5%).
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 9/25/2012. Click here.
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Symbol - Exchange - Industry Group
Company Name
Last Chg Day
52 WK Hi % From Hi Volume
AHL - NYSE - INSURANCE - Property & Casualty Insurance
Aspen Insurance Holdings
$31.73 -0.02
$32.11 $32.64 -2.79% 228,803
Most Recent Note for AHL - 10/24/2012 11:53:47 AM
Recent quarterly comparisons through Jun '12 showed improving sales and earnings, but a loss in FY '11 and erratic earnings history is a flaw concerning the A criteria of the fact-based investment system.
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AMGN - NASDAQ - DRUGS - Biotechnology
Amgen Inc
$88.40 +1.08
$89.14 $89.95 -1.72% 2,841,387
Most Recent Note for AMGN - 10/24/2012 11:59:17 AM
Reported earnings +19% on +10% sales revenues for the Sep '12 quarter, below the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria). Found support near its 50 DMA line and rallied to new high territory since last noted in the 9/21/12 mid-day report - "It has a slow and steady annual earnings (A criteria) history. The Mar and Jun '12 quarterly comparisons showed sales revenues and earnings acceleration, however it is not a match with the fact-based investment system's fundamental guidelines."

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ARMH - NASDAQ - ELECTRONICS - Semiconductor - Specialized
A R M Holdings Plc Ads
$32.40 +1.21
$33.03 $33.03 -1.91% 3,142,262
Most Recent Note for ARMH - 10/24/2012 12:03:30 PM
Second consecutive gap up today, hitting new 52-week and multi-year highs with no resistance remaining due to overhead supply. Reported earnings +29% on +24% sales for the Sep '12 quarter following 3 prior quarterly comparisons below the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria). There was a downturn in its FY '09 earnings, and its annual earnings history (A criteria) was previously noted as below the guidelines of the fact-based investment system.
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BECN - NASDAQ - MATERIALS &; CONSTRUCTION - General Building Materials
Beacon Roofing Supply
$30.33 +0.04
$30.51 $31.15 -2.63% 345,913
Most Recent Note for BECN - 10/24/2012 12:06:55 PM
Holding its ground since hitting a new 52-week high when last noted in the 10/18/12 mid-day report after rallying from support near its 50 DMA line - "No overhead supply remains to act as resistance. Reported earnings +22% on +4% sales revenues for the Jun '12 quarter, below the +25% minimum earnings guideline. Downturn in FY '10 earnings is a flaw concerning the A criteria of the fact-based investment system's guidelines. It survived but failed to impress since noted in the 5/01/2009 mid-day report - 'Its up and down annual earnings history (the A criteria) is a concern.'"
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CLW - NYSE - MANUFACTURING - Packaging & Containers
Clearwater Paper Corp
$41.84 +0.08
$42.38 $42.79 -2.22% 87,824
Most Recent Note for CLW - 10/24/2012 12:17:32 PM
Consolidating near 52-week and multi-year highs today with no resistance remaining due to overhead supply. Reported earnings +54% while sales revenues fell -4% in the quarter ended June 30, 2012. Erratic annual earnings (A criteria) is another fundamental concern.

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Canadian Pacific Railway
$92.70 +4.23
$94.78 $94.78 -2.19% 1,392,284
Most Recent Note for CP - 10/24/2012 12:19:34 PM
Gapped up today hitting a new 52-week high and also trading above its 2007 all-time highs. Found support near its 50 DMA line in recent months while prior mid-day reports noted - "Fundamentals remain below guidelines of the fact-based investment system today, as was the case when previously noted on 9/03/10 and much earlier on 10/14/05."
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CYNO - NASDAQ - Medical-Systems/Equip
Cynosure Inc
$27.11 +0.52
$27.54 $28.00 -3.18% 114,728
Most Recent Note for CYNO - 10/24/2012 12:32:02 PM
Rallying within close striking distance of its 52-week high with above average volume behind today's 3rd consecutive gain. It gapped up on 7/24/12, technically breaking out of a previously noted cup-with-handle base pattern, and it held its ground above prior highs in the $23 area during its consolidation below its 50 DMA line since last noted in the 8/21/12 mid-day report - "Reported earnings of 20 cents per share versus a year ago loss of 1 cent per share while sales revenues were up +50% versus the year ago period ended June 30th. Prior mid-day reports noted - 'It survived but failed to impress since dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 11/7/07. Its Dec '11 and Mar '12 quarters showed earnings after years of losses, but while it is an interesting turn around story, the fundamentals are not a match with the fact based system's guidelines.'"
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DIN - NYSE - LEISURE - Restaurants
Dineequity Inc
$55.58 -2.20
$57.88 $59.77 -7.01% 150,891
Most Recent Note for DIN - 10/24/2012 12:33:47 PM
Volume-driven loss today has it testing its 50 DMA line, slumping -6.5% off its 52 week high. Fundamental concerns remain since long ago noted in the 3/18/10 mid-day report - "Erratic earnings and lack of sales revenues growth are cause for concern."
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Everbank Financial Corp
$14.84 -0.02
$14.99 $15.33 -3.20% 415,026
Most Recent Note for EVER - 10/24/2012 12:35:27 PM
Hovering near its 52-week high, encountering distributional pressure. Since its 5/03/12 IPO priced at $10 the price/volume action has been mostly bullish, however prior mid-day report repeatedly noted - "Reported earnings +67% on +15% sales revenues for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 versus the year ago period. Quarterly and annual earnings (C and A criteria) history is below the fundamental guidelines of the fact-based investment system."
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GLT - NYSE - CONSUMER NON-DURABLES - Paper & Paper Products
$18.15 -0.04
$18.27 $18.40 -1.36% 148,398
Most Recent Note for GLT - 10/24/2012 12:37:59 PM
Holding its ground today following a gap up and volume-driven gain for a new 52-week high on the prior session. Fundamental concerns remain, as was the case when last noted in the 5/25/11 mid-day report -"Quarterly and annual earnings history has not been strong and steady."
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LAD - NYSE - SPECIALTY RETAIL - Auto Dealerships
Lithia Motors Inc Cl A
$36.24 +0.24
$37.09 $37.15 -2.45% 240,845
Most Recent Note for LAD - 10/24/2012 12:43:46 PM
Reported earnings +48% on +24% sales revenues for the quarter ended Sep 30, 2012 versus the year ago period. Perched near its 52-week and all-time highs today with no resistance remaining due to overhead supply. It has earned high ranks and bullish action has continued since last noted in the 9/07/12 mid-day report - "Sales revenues and earnings showed improvement in recent quarterly comparisons, but its prior earnings history (A criteria) has not been strong and steady."
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LL - NYSE - RETAIL - Home Improvement Stores
Lumber Liquidators Hldgs
$57.45 +7.31
$58.80 $58.80 -2.30% 1,513,964
Most Recent Note for LL - 10/24/2012 12:46:19 PM
Considerable gap up and volume-driven gain today for new 52-week and all-time highs, breaking out of a late-stage base. Reported earnings +77% on +19% sales revenues for the quarter ended Sep 30, 2012 versus the year ago period. Strong quarterly earnings increases (above the +25% minimum) satisfy the C criteria. Prior mid-day reports noted - "Annual earnings (A criteria) growth stalled after FY '09, raising fundamental concerns based on the fact-based investment system. It survived but failed to impress since dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 6/08/10 after a 'negative reversal' on 4/26/10."
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MSG - NASDAQ - LEISURE - Sporting Activities
Madison Square Garden Co
$41.14 +0.06
$41.75 $44.75 -8.07% 214,885
Most Recent Note for MSG - 10/24/2012 12:47:38 PM
Holding its ground near its 50 DMA line today -7.8% off its 52-week and all-time highs. The 8/27/12 mid-day report noted - "Recent quarters through Jun '12 showed much better sales and earnings increases versus the year earlier. Prior quarterly comparisons and annual earnings (A criteria) growth have not been strong and steady, so it is fundamentally below guidelines of the fact-based investment system."

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OSTK - NASDAQ - SPECIALTY RETAIL - Specialty Retail, Other Inc
$11.03 +0.27
$11.09 $11.81 -6.60% 58,240
Most Recent Note for OSTK - 10/24/2012 12:49:38 PM
Rallied for new 52-week highs then encountered distributional pressure since last noted in the 10/10/12 mid-day report - "Quarterly and annual earnings history (C and A criteria) is not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines."
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PATK - NASDAQ - Bldg-Mobile/Mfg & RV
Patrick Industries Inc
$19.38 +1.28
$19.84 $20.33 -4.67% 101,461
Most Recent Note for PATK - 10/24/2012 12:51:26 PM
Rebounding today following 3 consecutive volume-driven losses while retreating from new 52-week highs hit last week. Considerable volume-driven gains helped it rally from a previously noted cup shaped base. Prior mid-day reports noted - "No overhead supply remains to act as resistance. Recent quarterly comparisons showed solid sales revenues and earnings increases, but its annual earnings (A criteria) history has not been strong and steady. Fundamentally it is not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines."
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PNK - NYSE - LEISURE - Gaming Activities
Pinnacle Entertainment
$12.38 +0.61
$13.00 $13.00 -4.77% 718,767
Most Recent Note for PNK - 10/24/2012 12:55:26 PM
Reported earnings +20% on +3% sales revenues for the Sep '12 quarter. Gapped up today and hit a new 52-week high, rising near previously stubborn multi-year resistance in the $14-15 area. It survived but failed to impress since last noted in the 12/27/04 mid-day report.

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PNRA - NASDAQ - LEISURE - Specialty Eateries
Panera Bread Co Cl A
$170.11 +9.77
$171.39 $175.26 -2.94% 720,601
Most Recent Note for PNRA - 10/24/2012 1:02:09 PM
Reported earnings +28% on +17% sales revenues for the Sep '12 quarter. Gapped up from below its 50 DMA line today, rebounding above previously noted chart highs ($165 area), however it has not formed a sound base pattern. When retreating from its 52-week high and enduring distributional pressure recent mid-day reports noted - "It made limited progress but stubbornly held its ground since technically breaking out on 9/12/12, and prior highs in the $165 area may act as support on pullbacks. Reported earnings +27% on +18% sales revenues for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 versus the year ago period. In 3 of the past 4 comparisons earnings increases were above the +25% threshold to satisfy the C criteria. Its annual earnings (A criteria) history has shown steady growth since a small dip in FY '07 earnings. The stock is heavily owned (percentage-wise) by funds relative to its management's small 5% reported ownership. Top-rated funds owning an interest increased from 469 in Mar '12 to 505 in Sep '12. Its current Up/Down Volume Ratio of 2.0 is an unbiased indication it has been under accumulation in the past 50 days."
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POL - NYSE - CHEMICALS - Synthetics
Polyone Corp
$18.30 +1.46
$18.54 $18.54 -1.29% 1,992,996
Most Recent Note for POL - 10/24/2012 1:03:52 PM
Gapped up for a considerable volume-driven gain today hitting a new 52-week high. Found support near its 50 DMA line and well above prior chart highs during its consolidation since last noted in the 9/14/12 mid-day report - "Earnings history for this Chemicals - Plastics firm is not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines."
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PTP - NYSE - INSURANCE - Property & Casualty Insurance
Platinum Underwriters
$45.79 +0.52
$45.98 $46.03 -0.52% 104,491
Most Recent Note for PTP - 10/24/2012 1:05:35 PM
Touched another new high today. Held its ground following its considerable gap up and volume-driven gain for new 52-week and multi-year highs on 10/18/12. Worked its way up through overhead supply to the $45 area since noted in the 7/19/12 mid-day report - "Earnings history is not a match with the fact-based system's guidelines."
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REGN - NASDAQ - DRUGS - Biotechnology
Regeneron Pharmaceutical
$160.95 +7.96
$161.98 $166.39 -3.27% 1,045,611
Most Recent Note for REGN - 10/24/2012 1:09:40 PM
Rallying within close striking distance of its 52-week high today, and no overhead supply remains to act as resistance. Reported greatly improved sales revenues and earnings versus year-ago losses for the Mar, Jun, and Sep '12 quarters, Found support above its 50 DMA line again recently, but prior mid-day reports noted - "Earnings history is not a match with the investment system's fundamental guidelines."
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SBNY - NASDAQ - BANKING - Regional - Northeast Banks
Signature Bank
$71.53 +1.68
$71.78 $72.22 -0.96% 269,985
Most Recent Note for SBNY - 10/24/2012 1:14:34 PM
Rallying to new 52-week and all-time highs with a spurt of volume-driven gains this week. Found support near its 200 DMA line during the consolidation since last noted in the 4/18/12 mid-day report. Quarterly comparisons through Sep '12 show 4 consecutive earnings increases below the +25% minimum guideline, and the downturn in FY '09 annual earnings (A criteria) was previously noted as cause for concern.
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SIM - AMEX - METALS & MINING - Steel & Iron
Grupo Simec Sab Cv Ads
$13.17 -0.05
$13.49 $13.83 -4.77% 25,064
Most Recent Note for SIM - 10/24/2012 1:15:51 PM
Pulling back from its 52-week high after a big streak of gains, extended from any sound base. Prior mid-day reports noted - "Recently rallied with volume-driven gains, and now it faces no resistance due to overhead supply. Quarterly and annual earnings history is not a match with the guidelines for the C & A criteria."
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TWTC - NASDAQ - TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Telecom Services - Domestic
T W Telecom Inc
$25.38 -0.41
$25.78 $27.86 -8.90% 837,227
Most Recent Note for TWTC - 10/24/2012 1:17:52 PM
Series of small losses led to its retreat below its 50 DMA line and it has slumped back into the orderly base previously noted. The 10/01/12 mid-day report noted - "Last week it priced a Private Placement of Senior notes. Reported earnings +44% on +8% sales revenues for the Jun '12 quarter. Found support near prior resistance in the $23 area after slumping below its 50 DMA line during its latest consolidation. The 5/03/12 mid-day report noted - 'Hit a new 52-week high today with a 2nd consecutive volume-driven gain, rising from 12-month cup-with-handle base pattern. Reported earnings +63% on +8% sales revenues for the quarter ended March 31, 2012 versus the year ago period. Sales revenues growth has been slow and steady in the +8% range while its 4 prior quarterly comparisons showed no growth in earnings.'"
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USNA - NYSE - DRUGS - Drug Related Products
U S A N A Health Science
$46.87 -0.10
$50.23 $50.23 -6.69% 190,381
Most Recent Note for USNA - 10/24/2012 1:23:28 PM
Hit a new 52-week high today after gapping up, however it quickly reversed into the red. Reported earnings +46% on +15% sales revenues for the quarter ended Sep 30, 2012 versus the year ago period. Found support near its 50 DMA line again recently. This network marketer of dietary supplements, health foods, and skin care products has been showing recent improvement in quarterly comparisons and the C criteria is satisfied now by 3 consecutive earnings increases above the +25% minimum guideline. Its annual earnings (A criteria) growth rate has been improving since a downturn in FY '08.
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Whirlpool Corp
$96.82 +3.01
$97.96 $97.96 -1.17% 1,888,889
Most Recent Note for WHR - 10/24/2012 1:24:17 PM
Gapped up today, hitting yet another new 52-week high with a considerable volume-driven gain. The 10/17/12 mid-day report noted - "Its poor annual earnings (A criteria) history and waning sales revenues in recent quarterly comparisons are not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines."
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Kenneth J. Gruneisen founded Gruneisen Growth Corp. (2003), which prior to May 11, 2015, operated and both under license from Data Analysis Inc. / Investor's Business Daily. Kenneth has passed the CAN SLIM® Master's Exam. Gruneisen Growth Corp. now continues over two decades of fact based market analysis via

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