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DOW 15476.05 -53.68 (-0.35%) | NASDAQ 3739.16 -6.54 (-0.17%) | S&P 500 1700.9 -3.86 (-0.23%)
Time of Screening : 9/18/2013 12:17:40 PM         Report Released : 9/18/2013 12:49:25 PM
Price is: Above 52W High and Less Than 52W High but within 15% of the 52 Week High
Volume Is: At least 75% of 50 Day Average at the time of the screening.
More details about this report...

To View Current Notes and Data on currently Featured Stocks go to the latest
Featured Stocks Page
Company Name
Industry Group
Day High Volume
(% DAV)
(50 DAV)
52 Wk Hi
% From Hi
Pivot Point
Max Buy
A V G Technologies N.V.
$24.97 +0.55
$25.26 860,589
103.34% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 832,800
9/13/2013 $23.06 PP = $23.88
MB = $25.07
Most Recent Note - 9/18/2013 12:23:14 PM
G - Color code is changed to green after rallying beyond its "max buy" level. Triggered a technical buy signal on 9/16/13 with 5 times average volume behind its breakout gain above the pivot point. More details and an annotated graph were included on 9/13/13 in the latest FSU analysis under the headline, "Rallying Near Pivot Point With Greater Volume Conviction".
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 9/13/2013. Click here.
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Soufun Hldgs Ltd Ads A
$48.85 +3.45
$49.18 943,441
108.37% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 870,600
7/16/2013 $29.54 PP = $27.90
MB = $29.30
Most Recent Note - 9/18/2013 12:45:14 PM
G - Rebounding toward its prior high with above average volume behind today's considerable gain. Recently noted - "It is still very extended from any sound base. Recent highs near $42 define initial support to watch on pullbacks."
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 8/30/2013. Click here.
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Symbol - Exchange - Industry Group
Company Name
Last Chg Day
52 WK Hi % From Hi Volume
AFOP - NASDAQ - ELECTRONICS - Semiconductor - Specialized
Alliance Fiber Optic
$22.03 +1.79
$22.39 $21.25 3.66% 1,637,475
Most Recent Note for AFOP - 9/18/2013 12:20:37 PM
Hitting a new 52-week high today after gapping up. Do not be confused by 2;1 split impacting share prices on the prior session. A pullback tested support near prior highs in the $17.50 area following a recent technical breakout, however prior mid-day reports repeatedly cautioned - "Recently found support while consolidating above its 50 DMA line and prior lows in the $28 area. This Sunnyvale, CA based Telecom - Fiber Optics firm showed strong increases in sales and earnings above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria) through the Jun '13 period. Prior mid-day reports cautioned - 'Up and down annual earnings (A criteria) history is a fundamental concern, not meeting the fact-based investment system's guidelines.'"
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CBRL - NASDAQ - LEISURE - Restaurants
Cracker Barrl Old Cnt St
$102.24 -4.76
$105.40 $107.98 -5.32% 299,726
Most Recent Note for CBRL - 9/18/2013 12:25:05 PM
Gapped down today, retreating from all-time highs after 7 consecutive gains marked by volume. Found recent support near its 50 DMA line. Noted in prior mid-day reports with caution - "Quarterly earnings comparisons are sub par with respect to the C criteria and sales revenues increases have been lackluster. It has a slow but steady annual earnings (A criteria) history."
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CI - NYSE - Medical-Managed Care
Cigna Corp
$81.61 -2.11
$84.00 $84.68 -3.63% 1,074,672
Most Recent Note for CI - 9/18/2013 12:28:38 PM
Retreating from its 52-week high with higher volume today. Found support above its 50 DMA line and rallied further since last noted with caution in the 6/21/13 mid-day report. Reported earnings +19% on +8% sales revenues for the Jun '13 quarter, below the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria). Annual earnings growth (A criteria) has been slow and steady since a downturn in FY '08. Consensus estimates for earnings growth +11% and +9% in FY '13 and 14, respectively, may be cause for some concern.
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EGHT - NASDAQ - TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Communication Equipment
Eight By Eight Inc
$10.39 +0.65
$10.40 $9.99 4.00% 826,044
Most Recent Note for EGHT - 9/18/2013 12:30:54 PM
Hitting another new 52-week high with today's 4th consecutive gain. Held its ground stubbornly since noted with caution in the 9/03/13 mid-day report - "Prior earnings history has not been strong and steady, leaving some fundamental concerns. Low-priced stocks are discouraged from consideration under the fact-based investment system unless all key criteria are solidly satisfied."
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EIG - NYSE - Insurance-Prop/Cas/Titl
Employers Holdings Inc
$29.02 -0.28
$29.39 $29.40 -1.29% 150,068
Most Recent Note for EIG - 9/18/2013 12:32:27 PM
Recently wedged to new 52-week highs with gains lacking great volume conviction. Prior mid-day reports cautioned - "Quarterly and annual earnings history (C and A criteria) are not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines."
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GIB - NYSE - Computer - Tech Services
CGI Inc Cl A
$35.02 -0.35
$35.38 $35.65 -1.77% 226,258
Most Recent Note for GIB - 9/18/2013 12:35:08 PM
Pulling back today from a new 52-week high hit on the prior session with its 2nd considerable volume-driven gain in a row. Found support near prior highs and its 50 DMA line when recently consolidating. Prior mid-day reports cautioned - "Stalled after spiking higher on 7/31/13 while capping a streak of volume-driven gains. Reported earnings +80% on +141% sales revenues for the quarter ended June 30, 2013 versus the year ago period, its 2nd quarterly comparison above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria) versus the year earlier. Up and down annual earnings (A criteria) history and its sub par prior quarters leave concerns with respect to the winning models of the fact-based investment system."
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HTZ - NYSE - DIVERSIFIED SERVICES - Rental & Leasing Services
Hertz Global Holdings
$26.42 -0.96
$27.46 $27.75 -4.79% 5,154,075
Most Recent Note for HTZ - 9/18/2013 12:38:17 PM
Retreating toward its 50 DMA line today following a streak of 7 consecutive gains. Reported earnings +29% on +22% sales revenues for the Jun '13 quarter, its 3rd consecutive quarterly comparison with earnings above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria). Undercut its 50 DMA line then rebounded since noted in the 7/29/13 mid-day report with caution - "Completed another Secondary Offering on 3/08/13. Reported earnings +320% on +24% sales for the Mar '13 quarter. Completed a Secondary Offering on 12/12/12 and made steady progress. Earnings history in recent quarterly comparisons improved (C criteria) but a downturn in FY '08 and '09 earnings is a flaw concerning the fact-based investment system's A criteria."
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LION - NASDAQ - BANKING - Savings & Loans
Fidelity Southern Corp
$13.69 -0.58
$14.19 $16.07 -14.81% 83,761
Most Recent Note for LION - 9/18/2013 12:39:41 PM
Slumping further below its 50 DMA line with today's loss backed by above average volume. Completed a new Public Offering on 6/05/13. Reported earnings +38% on +27% sales revenues for the Jun '13 quarter. Prior mid-day reports cautioned - "Quarterly earnings increases through the Mar '13 period have been above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria), but its erratic annual earnings (A criteria) history is not a match with the fact-based investment system guidelines."
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LRN - NYSE - Consumer Svcs-Education
Stride Inc
$34.31 -0.59
$35.01 $38.14 -10.04% 222,908
Most Recent Note for LRN - 9/18/2013 12:40:49 PM
Consolidating above prior highs following a considerable "breakaway gap" for a new 52-week high on 8/29/13. Prior mid-day reports cautioned - "Technically, it faces no resistance due to overhead supply. Reported earnings +20% on +19% sales revenues for the Jun '13 quarter, below the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria). Prior quarterly comparisons and its annual earnings (A criteria) history are not a match with the fact-based system's fundamental guidelines."
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Nq Mobile Inc Ads
$22.94 +0.44
$23.60 $22.95 -0.04% 2,790,983
Most Recent Note for NQ - 9/18/2013 12:42:02 PM
Trading up today for another new 52-week high with its 5th gain backed by above average volume in the span of 6 sessions. Found support while recently consolidating above its 50 DMA line. Stalled after its considerable gap up gain on 8/13/13 and it did not form a sound base pattern of sufficient length since noted in prior mid-day reports with caution - "Patient investors may watch for a secondary buy point or new base to potentially form and be noted in the coming weeks. Quarterly sales and earnings comparisons have shown great increases percentage-wise in recent quarterly comparisons through Jun '13 satisfying the C criteria. Annual earnings (A criteria) has also been strong. This Chinese Computer Software - Security firm is perched at new 52-week and all-time highs, very extended from any sound base after an impressive rally in the past month. The stock got off to a poor start from its 5/05/11 IPO priced at $12."

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RKT - NYSE - CONSUMER NON-DURABLES - Paper & Paper Products
Rock Tenn Co Cl A
$112.96 -3.81
$117.24 $126.05 -10.38% 680,441
Most Recent Note for RKT - 9/18/2013 12:43:31 PM
Abruptly retreating from its 52-week high with today's 2nd consecutive volume-driven loss testing support at its 50 DMA line. Prior mid-day reports repeatedly cautioned members - "Reported earnings +127% on +6% sales revenues for the Jun '13 quarter. Prior quarterly comparisons showed sub par sales revenues and earnings increases and its annual earnings (A criteria) history has been up and down."
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TARO - NYSE - DRUGS - Drug Manufacturers - Other
Taro Pharmaceutical Inds
$68.90 -0.10
$69.21 $70.68 -2.53% 17,501
Most Recent Note for TARO - 9/18/2013 12:47:23 PM
Pulled back from its 52-week high with a loss on 9/16/13 with above average volume as the mid-day report cautioned members - "Reported earnings -6% on -4% sales revenues for the Jun '13 quarter, below the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria). The Israel-based Medical - Generic Drugs firm faced no resistance due to overhead supply when noted in prior mid-day reports with caution. The number of top-rated funds owning its shares from 2 in Mar '12 to 23 as of Jun '13, a reassuring sign concerning the I criteria."
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Kenneth J. Gruneisen founded Gruneisen Growth Corp. (2003), which prior to May 11, 2015, operated and both under license from Data Analysis Inc. / Investor's Business Daily. Kenneth has passed the CAN SLIM® Master's Exam. Gruneisen Growth Corp. now continues over two decades of fact based market analysis via

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