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DOW 37855.87 -605.05 (-1.57%) | NASDAQ 15454.18 -258.57 (-1.65%) | S&P 500 5011.4 -60.23 (-1.19%)
Time of Screening : 4/25/2024 12:02:53 PM         Report Released : 4/25/2024 12:53:09 PM
Price is: Above 52W High and Less Than 52W High but within 15% of the 52 Week High
Volume Is: At least 90% of 50 Day Average at the time of the screening.
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Symbol - Exchange - Industry Group
Company Name
Last Chg Day
52 WK Hi % From Hi Volume
AGI - NYSE - Mining-Gold/Silver/Gems
Alamos Gold Inc
$15.02 -0.18
$15.41 $16.01 -6.18% 3,086,596
Most Recent Note for AGI - 4/25/2024 12:04:17 PM
Hovering near its 52-week high today while churning higher volume in recent weeks without making meaningful price progress. Reported strong Mar, Jun, Sep, and Dec '23 quarterly results after many subpar quarters. Prior mid-day reports cautioned members - "Earnings history is not a match with the fact-based investment system's fundamental guidelines."
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AMK - NYSE - Finance-Investment Mgmt
Assetmark Finl Hldgs Inc
$33.96 -0.94
$34.20 $37.54 -9.54% 1,152,470
Most Recent Note for AMK - 4/25/2024 12:09:57 PM
Slumping further from its all-time high with today's gap down and volume-driven loss below its 50 DMA line ($34.97) while also undercutting the prior lows in the $34 area. Noted with caution in prior mid-day reports - "Reported Dec '23 quarterly earnings +28% on -4% sales revenues versus the year-ago period. The past 5 quarterly comparisons were above the +25% earnings minimum but waning sales revenues raised concerns in the latest. Annual earnings history has been strong and steady."
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AOS - NYSE - CONSUMER DURABLES - Electronic Equipment
Smith A O Corp
$81.44 -5.56
$83.91 $89.96 -9.47% 876,730
Most Recent Note for AOS - 4/25/2024 12:11:02 PM
Today's gap down violated its 50 DMA line after it reported earnings +6% on +1% sales revenues for the Mar '24 quarter. Prior quarterly comparisons were below the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria).
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AZZ - NYSE - MANUFACTURING - Industrial Equipment & Compone
A Z Z Incorporated
$75.21 -7.22
$77.42 $84.52 -11.02% 177,551
Most Recent Note for AZZ - 4/25/2024 12:12:22 PM
Gapped down today retesting support at its 50 DMA line ($75.19) after hitting a new 52-week high and stalling. Reported earnings +213% on +9% sales revenues for the Feb '24 quarter versus the year-ago period. Fundamental concerns remain as when noted with caution in the 7/12/16 mid-day report - "Sub par sales revenues erratic annual earnings (A criteria) history do not match with the fundamental criteria of the fact-based investment system."
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CAT - NYSE - MANUFACTURING - Farm & Construction Machinery
Caterpillar Inc
$337.68 -25.84
$340.42 $382.01 -11.60% 3,153,875
Most Recent Note for CAT - 4/25/2024 12:17:09 PM
Goliath company in the Machinery - Construction/Mining industry gapped down today violating its 50 DMA line ($348). Reported Mar '24 quarterly earnings +14% on +0% sales revenues versus the year ago period, raising fundamental concerns after 6 strong quarterly earnings comparisons. Last noted with caution in the 1/05/24 mid-day report "Sequential comparisons show deceleration in its sales revenues growth rate. Annual earnings (A criteria) growth has been strong after a downtun in FY '20 like many companies during the pandemic."
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CLS - NYSE - Elec-Contract Mfg
Celestica Inc
$44.09 -0.01
$46.10 $51.12 -13.75% 2,655,992
Most Recent Note for CLS - 4/25/2024 12:20:36 PM
Reported earnings +83% on +20% sales revenues for the Mar '24 quarter versus the year ago period, and 7 of the last 8 quarterly comparisons were at or above the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria). Annual earnings (A criteria) history has been strong since bottoming in FY '19. Finding support near its 50 DMA line, it slumped following a noted "negative reversal" at its 52-week high. Patient investors may watch for a new base or secondary buy point to possibly develop and be noted in the weeks ahead, and wait for the market conditions (M criteria) to improve.
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CMG - NYSE - LEISURE - Restaurants
Chipotle Mexican Grill
$3,050.00 +123.24
$3,071.71 $3,023.98 0.86% 287,321
Most Recent Note for CMG - 4/25/2024 12:22:10 PM
Hitting yet another new all-time high with today's 4th consecutive volume-driven gain. Patient investors may watch for a new base or secondary buy point to possibly develop and be noted in the weeks ahead. Reported Mar '24 quarterly earnings +27% on +14% sales revenues versus the year-ago period, and 3 of the 4 latest quarterly comparisons were above the +25% minimum (C criteria). Its annual earnings (A criteria) history included a downturn in FY '20 followed by much stronger FY '21 and '22 results. Already owned by 2,414 top-rated funds as of Mar '24.
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DB - NYSE - BANKING - Money Center Banks
Deutsche Bk Ag Adr
$17.88 +1.40
$17.91 $16.51 8.27% 3,884,319
Most Recent Note for DB - 4/25/2024 12:23:08 PM
Gapped up today powering to new multi-year highs. Noted in prior mid-day reports with caution - "Erratic quarterly and annual earnings history leaves fundamental concerns."
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DOV - NYSE - CONGLOMERATES - Conglomerates
Dover Corp
$178.97 +7.53
$180.23 $178.28 0.38% 942,921
Most Recent Note for DOV - 4/25/2024 12:27:32 PM
Powering to a new 52-week high today after finding support at its 50 DMA line in recent weeks. Went through a deep consolidation since noted with caution in the 2/04/22 mid-day report. Reported Mar '24 quarterly earnings +1% on +1% sales revenues versus the year-ago period. Earnings increases in quarterly comparisons have not been strong and steady above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria) and its annual earnings (A criteria) history included a downturn in FY '20.
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FCFS - NASDAQ - Finance-Consumer Loans
FirstCash Holdings Inc
$116.29 -15.74
$128.70 $133.64 -12.98% 410,316
Most Recent Note for FCFS - 4/25/2024 12:29:14 PM
Abruptly diving from its all-time high with today's big volume-driven loss violating its 50 DMA line. Reported earnings +0% on +10% sales revenues for the Mar '24 quarter versus the year-ago period. Prior quarterly comparisons were below the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria). Annual earnings (A criteria) had a big downturn in FY '20.
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FCNCA - NASDAQ - BANKING - Regional - Mid-Atlantic Banks
First Citizens Bancshs A
$1,750.95 +111.32
$1,767.01 $1,652.04 5.99% 69,333
Most Recent Note for FCNCA - 4/25/2024 12:30:52 PM
Hitting a new 52-week high with today's considerable gain. Found support near its 50 DMA line ($1,575) and prior highs after a brief consolidation. Reported very strong Jun, Sep, and Dec '23 quarterly results after Mar '23 quarterly earnings (+6%) were below the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria).
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ICLR - NASDAQ - Medical-Research Eqp/Svc
ICON plc
$299.41 -10.03
$318.55 $344.77 -13.16% 529,729
Most Recent Note for ICLR - 4/25/2024 12:32:46 PM
This Ireland-based Medical - Research Equipment/Services firm slumped from its all-time high and below its 50 DMA line since last noted with caution in the 2/22/24 mid-day report. Reported earnings +20% on +6% sales revenues for the Mar '24 quarter versus the year ago period and fundamental concerns remain. Prior quarterly comparisons were below the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria). Annual earnings history (A criteria) has been good.
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LECO - NASDAQ - MANUFACTURING - Machine Tools & Accessories
Lincoln Electric Hldgs
$225.55 -12.06
$233.70 $261.13 -13.63% 286,795
Most Recent Note for LECO - 4/25/2024 12:35:33 PM
Gapped down today slumping further below its 50 DMA line ($248). Quarterly comparisons through Mar '24 have been below the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria). Following the downward turn in FY '19 and '20 earnings growth has been stronger concerning the annual earnings history (A criteria).
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NOW - NYSE - Computer Sftwr-Enterprse
Servicenow Inc
$704.04 -42.26
$715.22 $815.32 -13.65% 1,721,028
Most Recent Note for NOW - 4/25/2024 12:38:45 PM
Gapped down today for yet another damaging volume-driven loss after reporting Mar '24 quarterly earnings +44% on +24% sales revenues versus the year-ago period. Rebounded briefly but met resistance below its 50 DMA line ($760) since noted when slumping below the prior low ($730). Weak action raised more serious concerns along with broader market weakness (M criteria) and it was dropped from the Featured Stocks list 4/19/24. A rebound above the 50 DMA line is needed for its outlook to improve.
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NTIC - NASDAQ - CHEMICALS - Specialty Chemicals
Northern Tech Intl Corp
$17.32 -0.03
$17.32 $17.55 -1.31% 23,477
Most Recent Note for NTIC - 4/25/2024 12:39:40 PM
Hit a new 52-week high with a gain on the prior session adding to recent gains backed by above-average volume. Reported earnings +260% on +14% sales revenues for the Feb '24 quarter versus the year-ago period, its 2nd consecutive quarterly comparison with earnings above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria). Fundamental concerns remain with respect to the prior quarterly and annual earnings (C and A criteria).
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RJF - NYSE - FINANCIAL SERVICES - Investment Brokerage - Regiona
Raymond James Financial
$119.40 -8.15
$123.00 $131.19 -8.99% 1,010,614
Most Recent Note for RJF - 4/25/2024 12:42:15 PM
Retreating from the recently hit all-time high, violating its 50 DMA line with today's gap down and considerable volume-driven loss. The Mar '24 quarter showed +14% earnings on +15% sales revenues versus the year ago period, and prior quarterly comparisons were also well below the +25% minimum (C criteria) earnings guideline versus the year earlier. Annual earnings (A criteria) growth history had a downturn in FY '20.
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S A P Ag Adr
$182.71 -5.36
$183.24 $199.29 -8.32% 674,832
Most Recent Note for SAP - 4/25/2024 12:43:17 PM
Gapped down today after meeting resistance near its 50 DMA line ($187) and recently retreating from its all-time high. Reported earnings +8% on +8% sales revenues for the quarter ended Mar 31, 2024 versus the year ago period, below the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria). Annual earnings (A criteria) had a big downturn in FY '22. It also has a huge supply of 1.17 billion shares outstanding (S criteria), making it less likely to be a good sprinter.
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STRA - NASDAQ - DIVERSIFIED SERVICES - Education & Training Services
Strayer Education Inc
$113.41 +12.76
$115.70 $111.95 1.30% 127,995
Most Recent Note for STRA - 4/25/2024 12:45:08 PM
Gapped up today and rallied for a considerable gain and new 52-week high, recovering from below its 50 DMA line. Reported Mar 31, 2024 quarterly earnings +363% on +13% sales revenues versus the year-ago period, its 3rd strong quarterly comparison. Annual earnings (A criteria) history has been erratic. Small supply of 24.6 shares outstanding (S criteria) may contribute to greater price volatility in the event of institutional buying or selling.
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TSCO - NASDAQ - SPECIALTY RETAIL - Specialty Retail, Other
Tractor Supply Co
$264.49 +6.36
$265.26 $268.02 -1.32% 1,004,576
Most Recent Note for TSCO - 4/25/2024 12:47:49 PM
Perched within close striking distance of its all-time high with today's 5th consecutive volume-driven gain after finding prompt support near its 50 DMA line ($251). Fundamental concerns remain. Reported earnings +11% on +3% sales revenues for the Mar '24 quarter versus the year-ago period. Prior quarterly comparisons were below the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria). Annual earnings history has been steady.
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TXT - NYSE - CONGLOMERATES - Conglomerates
Textron Inc
$83.60 -10.41
$86.26 $97.34 -14.12% 2,272,793
Most Recent Note for TXT - 4/25/2024 12:50:29 PM
Gapped down today slumping from its all-time high and violating its 50 DMA line ($91.88) with a damaging volume-driven loss. Reported earnings +14% on +4% sales revenues for the Mar '24 quarter versus the year ago period, breaking a streak of 3 quarterly comparisons above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria).
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VRT - NYSE - Electrical-Power/Equipmt
Vertiv Holdings Llc
$90.15 +5.58
$90.46 $94.39 -4.49% 8,901,260
Most Recent Note for VRT - 4/25/2024 12:51:11 PM
Hitting new all-time highs with 4 consecutive volume-driven gains. Found prompt support near its 50 DMA line ($75.55). Showed very strong quarterly earnings increases through Mar '24 versus the year-ago periods, but sequential comparisons show worrisome deceleration in its sales revenues and earnings growth rate. Limited history is a concern. Annual earnings history has been up and down.
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WEX - NYSE - ELECTRONICS - Scientific & Technical Instrum
W E X Inc
$218.35 -14.96
$221.64 $244.04 -10.53% 338,174
Most Recent Note for WEX - 4/25/2024 12:53:04 PM
Gapped down today violating its 50 DMA line ($230) with a big volume-driven loss. Reported earnings +5% on +7% sales revenues for the Mar '24 quarter versus the year ago period, its 5th consecutive quarterly comparison below the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria).
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Kenneth J. Gruneisen founded Gruneisen Growth Corp. (2003), which prior to May 11, 2015, operated and both under license from Data Analysis Inc. / Investor's Business Daily. Kenneth has passed the CAN SLIM® Master's Exam. Gruneisen Growth Corp. now continues over two decades of fact based market analysis via

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