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DOW 12996.68 13.73 (0.11%) | NASDAQ 2972.62 8.87 (0.30%) | S&P 500 1367.74 2 (0.15%)
Time of Screening : 2/27/2012 11:55:15 AM         Report Released : 2/27/2012 1:06:42 PM
Price is: Above 52W High and Less Than 52W High but within 8% of the 52 Week High
Volume Is: At least 75% of 50 Day Average at the time of the screening.
More details about this report...

To View Current Notes and Data on currently Featured Stocks go to the latest
Featured Stocks Page
Company Name
Industry Group
Day High Volume
(% DAV)
(50 DAV)
52 Wk Hi
% From Hi
Pivot Point
Max Buy
Roadrunner Trans Systems
$17.99 +0.08
$18.04 126,881
91.68% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 138,400
2/10/2012 $17.40 PP = $17.50
MB = $18.38
Most Recent Note - 2/27/2012 12:52:31 PM
Y - Hovering within close striking distance of its 52-week high, stubbornly holding its ground. Prior highs in the $17 area define initial support to watch on pullbacks.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 2/13/2012. Click here.
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Symbol - Exchange - Industry Group
Company Name
Last Chg Day
52 WK Hi % From Hi Volume
ACET - NASDAQ - CHEMICALS - Specialty Chemicals
Aceto Corp
$8.51 +0.00
$8.60 $8.64 -1.50% 95,543
Most Recent Note for ACET - 2/27/2012 11:56:35 AM
Reported strong sales revenues and earnings increases for the Dec '11 quarter following 3 quarterly comparisons with sub par results. Went through a deep consolidation below its 200 DMA line since noted in the 1/19/11 mid-day report - "This low-priced stock has an up and down annual earnings (A criteria) history. Recent quarterly comparisons show improving sales revenues and earnings after a streak of 5 negative comparisons."
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ASR - NYSE - TRANSPORTATION - Air Services, Other
Grupo Aeroportuario Adr
$71.43 +3.27
$72.50 $72.50 -1.48% 36,609
Most Recent Note for ASR - 2/27/2012 11:58:53 AM
Hitting a new 52-week high today. It has tallied 10 consecutive weekly gains. Prior mid-day reports noted - "Earnings and sales growth has not been strong and steady in past quarterly comparisons, and its up and down annual earnings history (A criteria) is below the investment system's guidelines."
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BLKB - NASDAQ - COMPUTER SOFTWARE & SERVICES - Business Software & Services
Blackbaud Inc
$32.66 -0.28
$33.00 $33.36 -2.10% 171,079
Most Recent Note for BLKB - 2/27/2012 11:59:21 AM
Reported earnings +8% on +11% sales revenues for the quarter ended December 31, 2011 versus the year ago period. Prior mid-day reports noted - "Its earnings and sales history remain below guidelines, leaving fundamental concerns."
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CAB - NYSE - SPECIALTY RETAIL - Sporting Goods Stores
Cabelas Inc
$35.51 -0.40
$35.57 $35.96 -1.25% 595,597
Most Recent Note for CAB - 2/27/2012 12:00:35 PM
Pulling back today after rallying into new high territory last week with more gains backed by above average volume. Reported earnings +23% on +5% sales revenues for the quarter ended December 31, 2011 versus the year ago period. Noted in prior mid-day reports - "Steadily advancing since it broke out of a base-on-base type pattern on 1/24/11. Previously noted after a technical breakout in the 11/03/10 mid-day report -'The old high for this Retail - Leisure Products firm had been hit when it last appeared in several early-May mid-day reports noted - Annual earnings (A criteria) and quarterly sales revenues have not shown strong and steady growth.'"

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Chicago Bridge & Iron Co
$47.38 +0.38
$47.74 $47.74 -0.75% 642,984
Most Recent Note for CBI - 2/27/2012 12:01:12 PM
Hitting another new 52-week high today. Fundamentals remain a concern since noted in the 1/27/12 mid-day report and prior reports - "Sales revenues and earnings history are below the investment system's guidelines."
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CYBX - NASDAQ - HEALTH SERVICES - Medical Appliances & Equipment
Cyberonics Inc
$38.01 +1.01
$38.14 $38.14 -0.35% 195,575
Most Recent Note for CYBX - 2/27/2012 12:09:14 PM
Hitting a new 52-week high again today with its 2nd considerable volume-driven gain after reported earnings +36% on +16% sales revenues for the quarter ended January 31, 2012 versus the year ago period. Last noted in the 1/04/12 mid-day report noted - "Prior quarterly comparisons and annual earnings (C and A criteria) history is not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines."
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CZNC - NASDAQ - Banks-Northeast
Citizens & Northern Corp
$21.63 -0.40
$22.48 $22.48 -3.78% 34,018
Most Recent Note for CZNC - 2/27/2012 12:12:45 PM
Pulling back with heavier volume today, retreating from its 52-week high touched last week after a consolidation of nearly 4 weeks above its 50 DMA line. Prior mid-day reports noted - "Unimpressive annual earnings (A criteria) history and lack of sales revenues growth are fundamental concerns."
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Drdgold Ltd Adr
$7.57 -0.32
$7.85 $8.03 -5.79% 128,310
Most Recent Note for DRD - 2/27/2012 12:14:20 PM
Pulling back today from the 52-week high it hit last week with volume-driven gains. The 2/21/12 mid-day report noted - "Perched at its 52-week high today after a recent spurt of volume-driven gains. This low-priced South African company in the Mining - Gold/Silver/Gems group has an erratic earnings history, not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines."

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EPL - NYSE - ENERGY - Independent Oil & Gas
E P L Oil & Gas Inc
$18.08 +0.45
$18.20 $18.56 -2.59% 185,551
Most Recent Note for EPL - 2/27/2012 12:24:39 PM
Reported very strong sales revenues and earnings increases in the Jun and Sep '11 quarterly comparisons versus the year ago periods. Rebounding and approaching its 52-week high after a deep consolidation below its 200 DMA line since last noted in the 4/05/11 mid-day report - "Earnings and sales revenues history are below the fact-based investment system's guidelines."
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GTLS - NASDAQ - ENERGY - Oil &; Gas Equipment &; Services
Chart Industries Inc
$65.11 +0.69
$66.19 $68.44 -4.87% 362,788
Most Recent Note for GTLS - 2/27/2012 12:29:14 PM
Holding its ground today following a "negative reversal" on the prior session with heavy volume after hitting a new all-time high with a streak of 5 consecutive gains. Prior mid-day reports noted - "It went through a deep consolidation after dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 9/05/08. It has rebounded impressively, especially since its Nov '10 breakout, and it may be an interesting turnaround story now, however the downturn in FY '09 and FY '10 earnings is a flaw with respect to the A criteria of the fact-based investment system. Its small supply of shares outstanding (the S criteria) can contribute to greater volatility, especially if institutional investors rush in or out."
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HUM - NYSE - HEALTH SERVICES - Health Care Plans
Humana Inc
$89.76 +0.76
$91.60 $96.46 -6.95% 1,809,553
Most Recent Note for HUM - 2/27/2012 12:30:31 PM
Consolidating near its 50 DMA line today. Endured distributional pressure while prior mid-day reports noted - "Strength and leadership (L criteria) in the HMO group is a reassuring sign. Sub par sales revenues and quarterly earnings increases raise fundamental concerns. Its annual earnings history is marred by a downturn in FY '08 earnings after years of steady growth."
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IHG - NYSE - LEISURE - Lodging
Intercontinental Hotels
$22.58 +0.41
$22.62 $22.66 -0.35% 374,039
Most Recent Note for IHG - 2/27/2012 12:33:41 PM
Reported earnings +42% on +4% sales revenues for the quarter ended December 31, 2011 versus the year ago period. Perched near its 52-week high and trading up today after a small loss last week broke a 9-week winning streak. Prior mid-day reports repeatedly noted - "Recent quarterly comparisons (through Sep '11) showed improved sales revenues and earnings growth but its prior earnings history (A criteria) is below guidelines of the fact-based system."
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KED - NYSE - Finance-Investment Mgmt
Kayne Anderson Engy Dvlp
$23.56 -0.09
$23.93 $24.50 -3.84% 94,170
Most Recent Note for KED - 2/27/2012 12:35:58 PM
Consolidating near its 52-week high and churning above average volume without making progress since a negative reversal on 2/21/12. It is extended from the previous orderly base pattern. Prior mid-day reports noted - "Erratic earnings history. Its quarterly sales revenues and earnings improved in recent comparisons, yet they remain minuscule. It has been building an orderly base for the past few months with support being found near its 200 DMA line."
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LPSN - NASDAQ - DIVERSIFIED SERVICES - Business/Management Services
Liveperson Inc
$15.66 +0.41
$16.12 $16.12 -2.85% 348,533
Most Recent Note for LPSN - 2/27/2012 12:38:27 PM
Up today for a new 52-week high following a consolidation in a tight range since last noted in the 2/15/12 mid-day report after 2 considerable gains backed by heavy volume - "Quarterly earnings increases were well short of the +25% minimum guideline in the Sep and Dec '11 quarters. It survived but failed to impress since last noted in the 12/16/10 mid-day report - 'On 12/06/10 it broke out from a flat base above its 50 DMA line and a previous cup shaped base. Quarterly earnings per share have been below the +25% guideline and its annual earnings (A criteria) history has been erratic, including a decrease in FY '08 earnings versus the year earlier.'"
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MNTX - NASDAQ - Machinery-Gen Industrial
Manitex International
$6.92 +0.00
$7.00 $7.00 -1.14% 127,607
Most Recent Note for MNTX - 2/27/2012 12:40:56 PM
This low-priced stock is perched at its 52-week high after a spurt of volume-driven gains. Noted in 3 mid-day reports last week - "Recent quarterly comparisons (through Sep '11) showed better earnings and sales revenues increases but its prior earnings history is not a match with the investment system guidelines."
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OSIS - NASDAQ - Aerospace/Defense
O S I Systems Inc
$58.78 +5.20
$58.88 $58.88 -0.17% 175,968
Most Recent Note for OSIS - 2/27/2012 12:48:55 PM
Considerable volume-driven gain today for a new 52-week high, technically rising from a square box base. Found support and remained above its 50 DMA line last week after it was dropped from the Featured Stocks list. Earnings increase below the +25% minimum earnings guideline in the Dec '11 quarter was noted as a fundamental concern. The most ideal buy candidates have not shown flaws in their latest earnings results.
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TAL - NYSE - DIVERSIFIED SERVICES - Rental &; Leasing Services
Tal International Group
$39.84 +0.80
$40.17 $40.17 -0.82% 279,846
Most Recent Note for TAL - 2/27/2012 12:55:05 PM
Up today for another new 52-week high. Completed an additional Public Offering on 3/31/11. Went through a deep consolidation below its 200 DMA line and reported strong (but decelerating) sales revenues and earnings increases in the Jun, Sep, and Dec '11 quarterly comparisons since noted in the 4/04/11 mid-day report - "Recently found great support above its 50 DMA line while enduring some distributional pressure. Recent quarterly comparisons show improving sales and earnings but it annual earnings (A criteria) growth history has not been strong and steady, so it is fundamentally below guidelines of the fact-based investment system."

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TECD - NASDAQ - WHOLESALE - Computers Wholesale
Tech Data Corp
$58.11 +0.85
$59.29 $59.29 -2.00% 325,900
Most Recent Note for TECD - 2/27/2012 12:57:52 PM
Hitting new 52-week highs with today's 3rd consecutive gain while no resistance remains due to overhead supply. Earnings history is not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines.
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TGE - NYSE - Oil&Gas-Transprt/Pipelne
Tallgrass Energy Lp
$9.60 +0.57
$9.64 $9.95 -3.52% 106,968
Most Recent Note for TGE - 2/27/2012 12:58:54 PM
This low-priced stock hit another new 52-week high with today's gain backed by above average volume. The fact-based investment system discourages low-priced stocks from consideration as buy candidates unless all key criteria are solidly satisfied. Found support at its 50 DMA line and its 200 DMA line since noted in the 12/08/11 mid-day report when pulling back after a streak of volume-driven gains - "Earnings history is not a match with the investment system's guidelines."

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Trimas Corp
$25.02 +1.77
$25.40 $27.09 -7.64% 153,809
Most Recent Note for TRS - 2/27/2012 1:04:23 PM
Considerable gain today with volume running at an above average pace, approaching its 52-week high. Reported earnings +14% on +22% sales revenues for the quarter ended December 31, 2011 versus the year ago period, below the +25% minimum earnings growth guideline. Completed a Secondary Offering on 4/20/11 as it technically broke out above prior highs in the $22-23 area that defined stubborn resistance when last noted - "Recent quarterly comparisons show sales and earnings improving, but prior history is below the fact-based system's guidelines. It is up more than 20-fold from a low below $1.00 in March '09."
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VMI - NYSE - MANUFACTURING - Farm & Construction Machinery
Valmont Industries Inc
$110.59 +0.23
$111.18 $114.55 -3.46% 104,464
Most Recent Note for VMI - 2/27/2012 1:06:20 PM
Consolidating within close striking distance of its 52-week high after recently rising from a 7-month cup shaped base. Prior mid-day reports noted - "Recent quarterly comparisons showed improved earnings increases satisfying the C criteria, however its annual earnings (A criteria) included a downturn in FY '10. It survived but failed to impress since it was dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 7/02/08."
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Kenneth J. Gruneisen founded Gruneisen Growth Corp. (2003), which prior to May 11, 2015, operated and both under license from Data Analysis Inc. / Investor's Business Daily. Kenneth has passed the CAN SLIM® Master's Exam. Gruneisen Growth Corp. now continues over two decades of fact based market analysis via

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