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DOW 12679.61 -40.87 (-0.32%) | NASDAQ 2773.06 -13.63 (-0.49%) | S&P 500 1311.61 -3.77 (-0.29%)
Time of Screening : 1/23/2012 11:41:57 AM         Report Released : 1/23/2012 12:28:23 PM
Price is: Above 52W High and Less Than 52W High but within 10% of the 52 Week High
Volume Is: At least 57.5% of 50 Day Average at the time of the screening.
More details about this report...

To View Current Notes and Data on currently Featured Stocks go to the latest
Featured Stocks Page
Company Name
Industry Group
Day High Volume
(% DAV)
(50 DAV)
52 Wk Hi
% From Hi
Pivot Point
Max Buy
Intuitive Surgical Inc
$452.45 +6.77
$457.86 268,527
80.06% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 335,400
12/20/2011 $442.43 PP = $449.16
MB = $471.62
Most Recent Note - 1/23/2012 12:03:08 PM
Y - Holding its ground today. Showed resilience and closed in the upper part of its intra-day range after gapping down on the prior session and briefly undercutting below prior lows and its 50 DMA line. Reported earnings +24% on +28% sales revenues for the quarter ended December 31, 2011 versus the year ago period.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 1/18/2012. Click here.
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Transdigm Group Inc
$102.41 +5.35
$102.66 364,776
107.54% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 339,200
1/10/2012 $98.83 PP = $102.83
MB = $107.97
Most Recent Note - 1/23/2012 12:25:20 PM
Y - Announced plans to acquire AmSafe Global Holdings Inc for a total purchase price of approximately $750 million in cash. Spiked higher today with above average volume behind its gain while challenging its 52-week high and approaching its pivot point. No overhead supply remains to act as resistance Recent lows in the $92 area define the next important support level to watch if it slumps below its 50 DMA line.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 1/4/2012. Click here.
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Symbol - Exchange - Industry Group
Company Name
Last Chg Day
52 WK Hi % From Hi Volume
AFSI - NASDAQ - INSURANCE - Property &; Casualty Insurance
Amtrust Financial Svcs
$25.67 +0.20
$26.00 $27.63 -7.09% 436,543
Most Recent Note for AFSI - 1/23/2012 11:46:01 AM
Rebounded above its 50 DMA last week and today it is on track for a 6th consecutive gain. Found support at its 200 DMA line during its choppy consolidation since last noted in the 11/04/11 mid-day report near its all-time high - "Reported earnings +5% on +38% sales revenues for the quarter ended September 30, 2011 versus the year ago period, below the +25% earnings guideline."
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ASPS - NASDAQ - REAL ESTATE - Property Management/Developmen
Altisource Ptf Sltns Sa
$52.53 +1.89
$52.60 $52.60 -0.13% 132,894
Most Recent Note for ASPS - 1/23/2012 11:48:40 AM
Big gain today with above average volume, technically breaking out of the previously noted orderly base pattern above its 50 DMA line. Prior mid-day reports noted - " Quarterly earnings increases have been mostly strong and backed by solid sales revenues increases, but the -16% earnings in its Jun '11 quarter is a flaw concerning the C criteria. This Luxembourg-based Financial Services firm's small supply (S criteria) of only 16.2 million shares in the public float can contribute to greater volatility in the event of institutional buying or selling. ASPS was dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 10/07/10 then violated its 200 DMA with a streak of volume-driven losses, and it subsequently rebounded back above its 200 DMA and 50 DMA lines."

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EGBN - NASDAQ - BANKING - Regional - Mid-Atlantic Banks
Eagle Bancorp Inc
$15.97 -0.02
$16.06 $16.06 -0.56% 38,338
Most Recent Note for EGBN - 1/23/2012 11:54:10 AM
This Bank holding company with operations in the Northeast has shown strong sales revenues and earnings increases in recent quarterly comparisons, however its annual earnings (A criteria) history has not been strong and steady. It recently wedged to new 52-week and multi-year highs without great volume conviction behind its gains.
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EQIX - NASDAQ - Finance-Property REIT
Equinix Inc
$115.35 -0.77
$116.59 $116.59 -1.06% 576,779
Most Recent Note for EQIX - 1/23/2012 11:55:21 AM
Reversed into the red after today's early gain touching yet another new 52-week high. Reported earnings -17% on +29% sales revenues for the quarter ended September 30, 2011 versus the year ago period. Noted in the 7/29/11 mid-day report - "Churning heavy volume this week while challenging multi-year highs. Earnings history has been erratic. Showing solid quarterly sales revenues increases. Ownership by top rated funds fell from 746 in Sep '10 to 579 in June '11. There are fundamental concerns due to pre-tax, non-recurring items included in the past 8 quarterly reports. This is indicated by blue triangles in the earnings per share box on the chart service used by experts."
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EXXI - NASDAQ - Oil&Gas-U S Expl&Prod
Energy Xxi Ltd
$34.18 +0.28
$34.67 $37.20 -8.12% 533,206
Most Recent Note for EXXI - 1/23/2012 11:56:58 AM
Recent quarterly comparisons show strong sales revenues and earnings increases versus the year ago period, but its annual earnings (A criteria) history has been erratic. Within close striking distance of its 52-week high while wedging higher without great volume conviction behind most of its recent gains.
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INTC - NASDAQ - ELECTRONICS - Semiconductor - Broad Line
Intel Corp
$26.84 +0.46
$26.89 $26.89 -0.19% 31,517,161
Most Recent Note for INTC - 1/23/2012 11:58:27 AM
Hitting yet another new 52-week high with today's 4th consecutive gain backed by above average volume. Prior mid-day reports noted - "Reported earnings +33% on +28% sales revenues for the quarter ended September 30, 2011 versus the year ago period. Quarterly and annual earnings history is not a match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines."
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INVN - NYSE - ELECTRONICS - Scientific & Technical Instrum
Invensense Inc
$15.51 +0.62
$15.88 $15.88 -2.36% 362,512
Most Recent Note for INVN - 1/23/2012 12:01:55 PM
Hitting yet another new high today with its 5th consecutive gain. It hails from the Electronics - Semiconductor Manufacturing group which has recently shown better leadership (L criteria). Prior mid-day reports cautiously noted - "Its 11/16/11 IPO was priced at $8 per share, and the firm's limited history is a concern. "
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NBIX - NASDAQ - DRUGS - Biotechnology
Neurocrine Biosciences
$8.05 -0.09
$8.27 $8.92 -9.75% 252,035
Most Recent Note for NBIX - 1/23/2012 12:07:24 PM
Completed a new Public Offering on 1/20/12. Recent quarterly comparisons showed greatly improved sales revenues and earnings increases versus low numbers and year ago losses. It does not have a strong annual earnings (A criteria) history, and low-priced stocks are discouraged from consideration unless all key criteria are solidly satisfied.
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NUAN - NASDAQ - COMPUTER SOFTWARE & SERVICES - Business Software & Services
Nuance Communications
$28.16 -0.92
$29.29 $29.78 -5.44% 2,862,556
Most Recent Note for NUAN - 1/23/2012 12:09:39 PM
Pulling back today, consolidating above prior highs in the $27 area following a previously noted streak of 5 small volume-driven gains for new 52-week highs. Found support near its 50 DMA line during its consolidation since noted in the 10/25/11 mid-day report - "Earnings history is below the guidelines of the fact-based system. It priced a $600 million convertible debenture offering last week. It is unhindered by resistance after clearing all overhead supply with its impressive rebound. It survived but failed to impress since last noted when weak action prompted it to be dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 12/12/07."
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PNRA - NASDAQ - LEISURE - Specialty Eateries
Panera Bread Co Cl A
$147.01 -4.82
$151.67 $152.93 -3.87% 269,947
Most Recent Note for PNRA - 1/23/2012 12:11:46 PM
Pulling back with higher volume today after wedging upward last week without great volume conviction behind its gains while hitting new 52-week and all-time highs. The 1/17/12 mid-day report noted - "Reported earnings +29% on +22% sales revenues for the quarter ended September 30, 2011 versus the year ago period. Its annual earnings (A criteria) history has shown steady growth since a small dip in FY '07 earnings. Sales revenues increases showed modest acceleration over the Mar, Jun, and Sep quarterly comparisons versus the year-ago period and earnings increases have been above the +25% guideline with respect to the C criteria. The stock is heavily owned (percentage-wise) by funds relative to its management's small 5% reported ownership. Top-rated funds owning an interest decreased from 482 in Mar '11 to 460 in Dec '11, which is not good news concerning the I criteria."
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STMP - NASDAQ - Retail-Internet Inc
$31.56 +1.27
$31.95 $33.73 -6.43% 353,185
Most Recent Note for STMP - 1/23/2012 12:20:03 PM
Approaching its 52-week high and working on the right side of a 13-week cup shaped base Reported earnings +54% on +20% sales revenues for the quarter ended September 30, 2011 versus the year ago period. Recent quarterly comparisons showed improved sales revenues increases, and its strong earnings increases satisfy the C criteria. Its annual earnings (A criteria) history has not shown strong and steady increases.
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VOXX - NASDAQ - WHOLESALE - Electronics Wholesale
Voxx Intl Corp Cl A
$13.00 +0.40
$13.11 $13.11 -0.84% 154,707
Most Recent Note for VOXX - 1/23/2012 12:27:47 PM
Steadily inching to new 52-week highs. Held its ground stubbornly and continued rallying unhindered by overhead supply since a considerable gap up gain noted on 1/10/12. Reported earnings +105% on +27% sales revenues for the quarter ended November 30, 2011 versus the year ago period. Prior mid-day reports noted - "Recent quarterly comparisons showed sales revenues and earnings increases improving but its prior earnings history has been erratic and not a good match with the fact-based investment system's guidelines."

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Kenneth J. Gruneisen founded Gruneisen Growth Corp. (2003), which prior to May 11, 2015, operated and both under license from Data Analysis Inc. / Investor's Business Daily. Kenneth has passed the CAN SLIM® Master's Exam. Gruneisen Growth Corp. now continues over two decades of fact based market analysis via

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