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DOW 12372.22 -43.48 (-0.35%) | NASDAQ 2676.58 6.72 (0.25%) | S&P 500 1278.37 -2.69 (-0.21%)
Time of Screening : 1/6/2012 12:16:28 PM         Report Released : 1/6/2012 1:50:24 PM
Price is: Above 52W High and Less Than 52W High but within 5% of the 52 Week High
Volume Is: At least 57.5% of 50 Day Average at the time of the screening.
More details about this report...

To View Current Notes and Data on currently Featured Stocks go to the latest
Featured Stocks Page
Company Name
Industry Group
Day High Volume
(% DAV)
(50 DAV)
52 Wk Hi
% From Hi
Pivot Point
Max Buy
Alexion Pharmaceuticals
$73.96 +1.55
$74.68 799,155
68.90% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 1,159,800
11/30/2011 $68.66 PP = $70.52
MB = $74.05
Most Recent Note - 1/6/2012 12:25:29 PM
Y - Getting near its "max buy" level today while rallying to new all-time highs with volume running at an above average for a second consecutive session. The prior gain above its pivot point had only +25% above average volume, less than the investment system guidelines call for to trigger a proper technical buy signal. Its 50 DMA line defines near-term support above prior lows in the $62 area.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 12/12/2011. Click here.
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Celgene Corp
$66.51 -2.00
$68.45 3,029,360
91.33% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 3,317,100
12/20/2011 $66.68 PP = $68.35
MB = $71.77
Most Recent Note - 1/6/2012 12:44:04 PM
Y - Encountering mild distributional pressure while perched at its 52-week high. Volume-driven gains above the pivot point cited may trigger a new (or add-on) technical buy signal.
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 12/29/2011. Click here.
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Intuitive Surgical Inc
$459.45 -12.91
$472.97 282,522
93.43% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 302,400
12/20/2011 $442.43 PP = $449.16
MB = $471.62
Most Recent Note - 1/6/2012 1:03:11 PM
Y - Enduring mild distributional pressure while churning near its all-time high. Previously noted, "Recent gains above its pivot point have lacked the volume needed to trigger a proper new (or add-on) technical buy signal. Important support is defined by its 50 DMA line."
>>> The latest Featured Stock Update with an annotated graph appeared on 12/13/2011. Click here.
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Symbol - Exchange - Industry Group
Company Name
Last Chg Day
52 WK Hi % From Hi Volume
AAP - NYSE - RETAIL - Auto Parts Stores
Advance Auto Parts Inc
$71.70 +0.53
$72.06 $72.32 -0.86% 546,088
Most Recent Note for AAP - 1/6/2012 12:19:30 PM
Challenging its 52-week and all-time high today with a 3rd consecutive gain after building an orderly flat base above its 50 DMA line. Prior mid-day reports noted - "Went through a deep consolidation below its 200 DMA line since noted in the 5/17/11 mid-day report - 'Recent quarterly comparisons showed strong earnings, however sub par sales revenues growth has been a concern while increases have been in the +7-11% range. Autozone Inc (AZO) and similar players (MNRO & ORLY) in the auto-repair arena have been noted in recent months while consumers have been fixing their old cars instead of buying new cars they cannot afford.'"
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AMT - NYSE - TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Diversified Communication Serv
American Tower Reit
$60.37 +0.02
$60.47 $60.91 -0.89% 2,984,167
Most Recent Note for AMT - 1/6/2012 12:26:01 PM
Found support at its 50 DMA line again when pulling back from its 52-week high, encountering mild distributional pressure. Prior mid-day reports noted - "Reported a loss versus year ago earnings for the quarter ended September 30, 2011 versus the year ago period. Quarterly earnings increases for the Mar '11 and Jun '11 periods were previously noted as below the investment system's guidelines, yet its annual earnings (A criteria) history has been strong."
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APL - NYSE - ENERGY - Oil & Gas Pipelines
Atlas Pipeline Ptnrs Lp
$38.62 -0.50
$39.31 $39.31 -1.76% 192,373
Most Recent Note for APL - 1/6/2012 12:28:47 PM
Perched at its 52-week high following volume-driven breakout gains this week. No overhead supply remains to act as resistance. This MLP was noted in prior mid-day reports - "Recent quarterly comparisons show greatly improved sales revenues and earnings versus year ago losses. Poor annual earnings (A criteria) history."

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ARLP - NASDAQ - METALS & MINING - Nonmetallic Mineral Mining
Alliance Res Partners Lp
$83.30 +1.12
$83.80 $84.10 -0.95% 98,025
Most Recent Note for ARLP - 1/6/2012 12:32:23 PM
No overhead supply remains to act as resistance and today's 4th consecutive gain with above average volume has it rallying within close striking distance of its 52-week high. This MLP in the Energy - Coal industry has an annual earnings (A criteria) history that has been strong following a downturn in FY '08. Its +12% earnings increase for the Jun '11 quarter was below the +25% guideline of the fact-based investment system, however most recent quarterly comparisons showed strong sales revenues and earnings increases.
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ASPS - NASDAQ - REAL ESTATE - Property Management/Developmen
Altisource Ptf Sltns Sa
$50.61 +0.28
$50.71 $51.32 -1.38% 83,574
Most Recent Note for ASPS - 1/6/2012 12:36:18 PM
Holding its ground in a very tight trading range, building an advanced "3 weeks tight" base pattern above its 50 DMA line. Last noted in the 12/15/11 mid-day report - "Rallied to new all-time high territory with a recent spurt of volume-driven gains. Technically, it broke out with a considerable gain on 10/27/11. Quarterly earnings increases have been mostly strong and backed by solid sales revenues increases, but the -16% earnings in its Jun '11 quarter is a flaw concerning the C criteria. This Luxembourg-based Financial Services firm's small supply (S criteria) of only 16.2 million shares in the public float can contribute to greater volatility in the event of institutional buying or selling. ASPS was dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 10/07/10 then violated its 200 DMA with a streak of volume-driven losses, and it subsequently rebounded back above its 200 DMA and 50 DMA lines."

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ATLS - NYSE - ENERGY - Oil & Gas Drilling & Explorati
Atlas Energy Lp
$26.50 -0.01
$27.00 $27.36 -3.14% 372,335
Most Recent Note for ATLS - 1/6/2012 12:38:15 PM
Making a 2nd mid-day report appearance of the New Year perched within close striking distance of its 52-week high. The 1/04/12 mid-day report noted - "Its annual earnings history (A criteria) has been erratic and below the fact-based system's guidelines. It survived but failed to impress since last noted in the 4/11/08 mid-day report."
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BCE - NYSE - TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Telecom Services - Domestic
B C E Inc
$40.83 -0.84
$41.50 $42.51 -3.95% 479,325
Most Recent Note for BCE - 1/6/2012 12:40:36 PM
Consolidating above prior highs in the $40 area that now define an initial chart support level. Prior mid-day reports noted -"This Canadian Telecom Services - Foreign firm's sales revenues and earnings growth history is below guidelines of the fact-based investment system."
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DLA - AMEX - CONSUMER NON-DURABLES - Textile - Apparel Clothing
Delta Apparel Inc
$19.46 +0.14
$19.68 $19.87 -2.06% 16,112
Most Recent Note for DLA - 1/6/2012 12:48:01 PM
Still perched within close striking distance of its 52-week high with no overhead supply to act as resistance. After a choppy 5-month consolidation during which it found support near its 200 DMA line prior mid-day reports have repeatedly noted - "Quarterly earnings increases were well above the +25% guideline in the 3 latest comparisons through September '11. Annual earnings (A criteria) improved following a downward turn in FY '08. Ownership by top-rated funds rose from 88 in Mar '11 to 117 in Sep '11, a reassuring sign concerning the I criteria. The small supply (S criteria) of only 7.12 million shares in the public float can lead to greater price volatility in the event of institutional buying or selling."

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EE - NYSE - Utility-Gas Distribution
Excelerate Energy Cl A
$34.15 -0.18
$34.52 $35.71 -4.37% 218,375
Most Recent Note for EE - 1/6/2012 12:52:43 PM
Hovering within striking distance of its 52-week high. Found support near its 200 DMA line and showed generally bullish action in recent months. The same applies today for this Utility - Electric Power firm which was noted in prior mid-day reports - "Recent quarters show improving earnings but its sales and prior earnings history are below the investment system's guidelines. Current earnings per share should be up 25% or more and in many cases accelerating in recent quarters. Quarterly sales should also be up 25% or more or accelerating over prior quarters."
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EPD - NYSE - ENERGY - Independent Oil & Gas
Enterprise Products Ptnr
$47.72 -0.33
$48.25 $48.25 -1.10% 2,665,863
Most Recent Note for EPD - 1/6/2012 12:55:41 PM
Hit new 52-week highs this week, distancing itself from previously stubborn resistance in the $43-44 area. Completed a Public Offering on 12/08/11. Recent quarterly comparisons showed impressive sales and earnings improvement, but as noted in prior mid-day reports - "Annual and quarterly earnings history are below guidelines for this MLP, like several others in the Oil and Gas - Transportation/Pipeline industry group noted in recent mid-day reports."
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GCO - NYSE - RETAIL - Apparel Stores
Genesco Inc
$64.32 +1.18
$64.36 $64.93 -0.94% 216,461
Most Recent Note for GCO - 1/6/2012 12:58:07 PM
Hitting another new 52-week high today while on track for a 3rd consecutive gain with slightly above average volume. Reported earnings +57% on +33% sales revenues for the quarter ended October 31, 2011 versus the year ago period. Found bullish support near its 50 DMA line on pullbacks since noted prior mid-day reports - "Recent quarterly comparisons showed stronger increases in sales revenues and improved earnings but its annual earnings (A criteria) history has not met the fact-based investment system's guidelines."

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HUM - NYSE - HEALTH SERVICES - Health Care Plans
Humana Inc
$93.83 +2.15
$94.85 $94.85 -1.08% 1,861,221
Most Recent Note for HUM - 1/6/2012 1:02:08 PM
Volume-driven gains for a 4th consecutive session have it surging to new all-time highs this week. Showed bullish action above its 50 DMA line since last noted in the 11/01/11 mid-day report after technically breaking out of a 17-week "double bottom" base pattern during which it found support near its 200 DMA line - "Strength and leadership (L criteria) in the HMO group is a reassuring sign. Sub par sales revenues and quarterly earnings increases raise fundamental concerns. Its annual earnings history is marred by a downturn in FY '08 earnings after years of steady growth."
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JAZZ - NASDAQ - DRUGS - Biotechnology
Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc
$45.83 +4.37
$46.65 $47.88 -4.28% 1,731,497
Most Recent Note for JAZZ - 1/6/2012 1:17:28 PM
Today's gap up for a 3rd consecutive volume-driven gain has helped it rebound to nearly challenge prior highs. Working up through overhead supply, it still faces previous resistance in the $46-47 area. Poor technical action prompted it to be dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 10/03/11, and it subsequently found support near its 200 DMA line during its deep consolidation. Its annual earnings (A criteria) history is limited, however quarterly comparisons have shown strong sales revenues and earnings (good C criteria) increases and its FY '10 earnings followed losses in prior years.
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Kirby Corp
$67.05 +0.34
$67.18 $69.29 -3.23% 254,808
Most Recent Note for KEX - 1/6/2012 1:19:54 PM
Holding its ground since a "negative reveral" after spiking into new high territory this week. Prior highs in the $65 area define a chart support level to watch above its 50 DMA line. Healthy action has followed its considerable "breakaway gap" since noted in the 10/27/11 mid-day report - "Hitting a new 52-week high. Reported earnings +65% on +100% sales revenues for the quarter ended September 30, 2011 versus the year ago period, its second consecutive strong quarterly report. Prior quarterly comparisons showed sub par sales and earnings results and its annual earnings (A criteria) history is not a match with the winning models of the fact-based system. It survived but failed to impress since it was dropped from the Featured Stocks list on 6/12/2008. Traded up as much as +21.5% after first featured at $50.74 in the 3/18/08 Mid-Day BreakOuts Report (read here)."
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KOG - NYSE - Oil&Gas-U S Expl&Prod
Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp
$9.97 -0.37
$10.37 $10.41 -4.23% 5,745,615
Most Recent Note for KOG - 1/6/2012 1:22:04 PM
Perched at its 52-week high today. Completed an 11/18/11 Public Offering of 42 million shares at $7.75 per share. Steadily advanced since last noted in the 12/12/11 mid-day report - "This low-priced firm in the Oil & Gas - US Exploration/Production industry's Jun and Sep '11 quarterly comparisons showed very impressive sales revenues and earnings increases versus the year ago periods. Prior history was not a good match with the investment system's guidelines."
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LQDT - NASDAQ - INTERNET - Internet Software &; Services
Liquidity Services Inc
$37.92 +0.19
$38.10 $39.76 -4.63% 183,582
Most Recent Note for LQDT - 1/6/2012 1:25:09 PM
Holding its ground in a tight trading range near its 52-week and all-time highs since last noted in the 12/07/11 mid-day report after rallying with volume-driven gains to new highs - "It is rallying from an orderly base formed in recent months after 9/01/11 news it would buy operations from Jacobs Trading for up to $170 Million. Quarterly earnings increases have been erratic and its annual earnings had a downward turn in FY '09 which is a flaw concerning the A criteria. Its sub par fundamentals are below the investment system guidelines. On 2/28/08 it was dropped from the Featured Stocks list and fundamentals subsequently turned south."
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M - NYSE - RETAIL - Department Stores
Macy's Inc
$34.65 +0.73
$34.80 $34.80 -0.43% 5,297,908
Most Recent Note for M - 1/6/2012 1:29:55 PM
Hitting new 52-week highs with a 2nd consecutive gain with volume running at an above average pace. In prior weeks it wedged higher without great volume conviction and found support near its 50 DMA line and prior chart highs. Prior mid-day reports noted - "The previously noted 10/24/11 technical breakout helped it rally clear of resistance due to overhead supply. Recent quarters showed great earnings increases but its lackluster sales revenues growth and prior earnings history (including a downward turn in FY '09 earnings) make it a sub par candidate."
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MMS - NYSE - DIVERSIFIED SERVICES - Education & Training Services
Maximus Inc
$43.51 +0.08
$43.71 $43.70 -0.43% 141,010
Most Recent Note for MMS - 1/6/2012 1:31:44 PM
Holding its ground after spiking to a new 52-week high with a volume-driven gain on the prior session. The 1/05/12 mid-day report noted - "Reported earnings +19% on +18% sales revenues for the quarter ended September 30, 2011 versus the year ago period. Went through a deep consolidation since noted in the 6/03/11 mid-day report - 'With a considerable gain after announcing a 2:1 stock split and 20 percent increase in its quarterly dividend. Found support near its 50 DMA line last week while consolidating and building on an orderly base. Ownership interest by top-rated funds fell from 397 in Jun '10 to 364 in Mar '11, which is not reassuring concerning the I criteria. Earnings increases in recent comparisons have been mostly above the +25% guideline but sales revenues increases in the +5-11% range have been sub par.'"
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NSR - NYSE - TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Diversified Communication Serv
Neustar Inc
$35.20 +0.65
$35.43 $35.43 -0.65% 477,500
Most Recent Note for NSR - 1/6/2012 1:33:43 PM
Hit a new 52-week high today, inching up from an orderly base above its 50 DMA line. Consolidated in a tight trading range since noted in the 12/05/11 mid-day report - "Bullish action has continued since it gapped up on 10/12/11 after reporting +21% earnings on +8% sales revenues for the quarter ended September 30, 2011 versus the year ago period and announcing plans to acquire Targus Information Corp for $650 million. The 10/04/11 mid-day report noted - 'Quarterly and annual earnings (C and A criteria) history is not a good match with the fact-based system's guidelines.'"
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OKS - NYSE - ENERGY - Oil &; Gas Pipelines
Oneok Partners Lp
$57.55 -0.69
$58.20 $59.87 -3.88% 243,022
Most Recent Note for OKS - 1/6/2012 1:35:05 PM
Perched near its 52-week high today, stubbornly holding its ground following recent volume-driven gains. Recent quarterly comparisons show impressive sales revenues and earnings acceleration, however prior mid-day reports noted- "This MLP's earnings history has been below the guidelines of the fact-based system."
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PAA - NYSE - ENERGY - Oil & Gas Pipelines
Plains All Amer Pipe
$73.19 -0.74
$74.50 $74.55 -1.82% 1,687,184
Most Recent Note for PAA - 1/6/2012 1:38:37 PM
This Master Limited Partnership (MLP) is perched at its 52-week high, up from the session's lows after an abrupt intra-day pullback. Recent quarterly comparisons show sales revenues and earnings acceleration above the +25% guideline, but annual earnings (A criteria) growth history has not been strong and steady.
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SXL - NYSE - ENERGY - Oil & Gas Pipelines
Sunoco Logistics Ptnr Lp
$38.17 -0.59
$38.46 $39.98 -4.53% 158,881
Most Recent Note for SXL - 1/6/2012 1:47:45 PM
This MLP is still hovering near its all-time high and staying well above its 50 DMA line. It wedged to new highs after the previously noted "negative reversal" occurred. Its shares split 3:1 on 12/05/11. Earnings improved in the Jun and Sep '11 comparisons, but prior history has been sub par, and it was noted in prior mid-day reports - "Quarterly and annual earnings growth (C and A criteria) have been below the fact-based investment system's guidelines."
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UAN - NYSE - Agricultural Chemicals
C V R Partners Lp
$27.58 +0.54
$27.95 $27.95 -1.32% 300,332
Most Recent Note for UAN - 1/6/2012 1:49:54 PM
Touched a new 52-week high today. Noted in prior mid-day report during a streak of 9 consecutive gains with ever-increasing volume - "Limited history is a concern and its choppy consolidation in recent months is not a sound base pattern after rallying considerably from its 4/08/11 IPO priced at $16. Quarterly comparisons show strong sales revenues and earnings increases satisfying the C criteria."
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Kenneth J. Gruneisen founded Gruneisen Growth Corp. (2003), which prior to May 11, 2015, operated and both under license from Data Analysis Inc. / Investor's Business Daily. Kenneth has passed the CAN SLIM® Master's Exam. Gruneisen Growth Corp. now continues over two decades of fact based market analysis via

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