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Indices NYSE Nasdaq
DOW  -1.47 16,478.41 -0.01% Volume 414,438,600 +1% Volume 1,173,487,200 +6%
NASDAQ -10.59 4,156.59 -0.25% Advancers 1,582 51% Advancers 1,238 46%
S&P 500 -0.62 1,841.40 -0.03% Decliners 1,446 46% Decliners 1,336 50%
Russell 2000 -1.56 1,161.09 -0.13% 52 Wk Highs 237   52 Wk Highs 207  
S&P 600 -1.12 665.07 -0.17% 52 Wk Lows 53   52 Wk Lows 12  

Major Averages Paused Quietly at Record Highs

For the holiday shortened week, the Dow rose +1.6%. The S&P 500 and NASDAQ were both up +1.3%. The indices finished little changed after a quiet trading session on Friday with no data to provide a catalyst for them to extend their recent gains. The volume totals were below average yet slightly higher than the prior session's volume totals on the NYSE and on the Nasdaq exchange. Breadth was very evenly mixed with a slightly positive bias on the NYSE and a slightly negative bias on the Nasdaq exchange. There were 75 high-ranked companies from the Leaders List that made new 52-week highs and appeared on the BreakOuts Page, down from a total of 110 stocks on the prior session. The list of stocks hitting new 52-week highs easily outnumbered new lows on the Nasdaq exchange and on the NYSE. There were gains for only 6 of the 19 high-ranked companies currently included on the Featured Stocks Page.


Twitter Inc's (TWTR -13.04%) fall was attributed to profit taking following the stock's +40% rally since December 11. Textron Inc (TXT +1.13%) rose after announcing it would acquire aircraft maker Beechcraft for $1.4 billion. Sector performance in the S&P 500 was mixed on the session. Energy was up the most today while consumer discretion was the worst performing group. Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM +0.60%) edged higher as the price of crude advanced above $100 a barrel. Delta Air Lines Inc (DAL -3.1%) fell after the airline said it would honor tickets sold at deep discounts due to an error on its website.

Treasuries were lower at the long end of the curve with the 10-year note falling 2/32 to yield 3.0%

The Market (M criteria) rally has continued producing sufficient leadership (stocks hitting new highs) and the ongoing uptrend remains intact. New buying efforts should always be selective. The Featured Stocks Page shows the most action-worthy candidates and their latest notes and a Headline Link directs members to the latest detailed analysis with data-packed graphs annotated by a Certified expert along with links to additional resources.  The Premium Member Homepage includes "dynamic archives" to all prior pay reports published. Watch for an announcement via email concerning the next WEBCAST.

PICTURED: The S&P 500 Index is perched near its all-time high, up +29.1% year-to-date.

Kenneth J. Gruneisen started out as a licensed stockbroker in August 1987, a couple of months prior to the historic stock market crash that took the Dow Jones Industrial Average down -22.6% in a single day. He has published daily fact-based fundamental and technical analysis on high-ranked stocks online for two decades. Through FACTBASEDINVESTING.COM, Kenneth provides educational articles, news, market commentary, and other information regarding proven investment systems that work in good times and bad.

Comments contained in the body of this report are technical opinions only and are not necessarily those of Gruneisen Growth Corp. The material herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable and accurate, however, its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. Our firm, employees, and customers may effect transactions, including transactions contrary to any recommendation herein, or have positions in the securities mentioned herein or options with respect thereto. Any recommendation contained in this report may not be suitable for all investors and it is not to be deemed an offer or solicitation on our part with respect to the purchase or sale of any securities.

Commodity-Linked Groups and Networking Index Led Gainers

The Broker/Dealer Index ($XBD -0.42%) edged lower and the Bank Index ($BKX -0.07%) finished flat on Friday's quiet session. The Networking Index ($NWX +1.29%) led the tech sector higher while the Semiconductor Index ($SOX +0.02%) finished flat and the Biotechnology Index ($BTK -0.39%) edged lower. The Oil Services Index ($OSX +0.51%) and Integrated Oil Index ($XOI +0.60%) posted modest gains with a positive backdrop of rising crude prices. The Gold & Silver Index ($XAU +1.15%) also posted a gain.

Charts courtesy

PICTURED: The Retail Index ($RLX -0.84%) pulled back, retreating from 2013 highs.

Industry Index Symbol Close Change % Change YTD % Change
Oil Services $OSX  280.08 +1.43 +0.51% +27.22%
Integrated Oil $XOI  1,496.30 +8.90 +0.60% +20.49%
Semiconductor $SOX  529.96 +0.13 +0.02% +37.99%
Networking $NWX  321.45 +4.09 +1.29% +41.89%
Broker/Dealer $XBD  158.91 -0.67 -0.42% +68.46%
Retail $RLX  934.18 -7.96 -0.84% +43.05%
Gold & Silver $XAU  84.29 +0.96 +1.15% -49.10%
Bank $BKX  69.08 -0.05 -0.07% +34.71%
Biotech $BTK  2,343.91 -9.06 -0.39% +51.51%

Rebounded Above 50-Day Average; Relative Strength Rating Waned

NIC Inc. (EGOV +$0.51 or +2.13% to $24.49) was last shown in this FSU section on 11/25/13 with an annotated weekly graph under the headline, "Finding Support Near 50-Day Average During Distributional Pressure". It had sputtered below its 50-day moving average (DMA) line in the interim, then a volume-driven gain above that short-term average last Friday helped its technical stance improve.  Very little resistance remains due to overhead supply. Subsequent gains for new highs may offer proof of fresh  institutional buying demand that could lead to a sustained and meaningful advance in price. 

EGOV made only limited progress since highlighted in the 10/18/13 mid-day report (read here) in yellow with an annotated daily graph. One flaw that has developed is that its Relative Strength (RS) rating has slumped to 76, below the 80+ minimum guideline for buy candidates. The stock has earned a high 98 Earnings Per Share (EPS) rating. The company recently reported earnings +44% on +15% sales revenues for the Sep '13 quarter, marking its 4th consecutive quarter with earnings above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria). However, it was previously noted - "Blue triangles beside the quarterly and annual earnings figures within the datagraphs used by experts indicate pre-tax, non-recurring items were included (where possible, such items are normally removed to provide data better suited for comparison)."

The number of top-rated funds owning its shares rose from 223 in Dec '12 to 249 in Sep '13, a somewhat reassuring trend concerning the I criteria. The Computer - Tech Services group has a 95 Group Relative Strength Rating, encouraging news concerning the L criteria. Its small supply of only 65 million shares (S criteria) outstanding can contribute to greater price volatility in the event of institutional buying or selling.

Color Codes Explained :
Y - Better candidates highlighted by our staff of experts.
G - Previously featured in past reports as yellow but may no longer be buyable under the guidelines.

***Last / Change / Volume data in this table is the closing quote data***
Company Name
Industry Group
Day High Volume
(% DAV)
(% 50 day avg vol)
52 Wk Hi
% From Hi
Pivot Featured
Max Buy
A R M Holdings Plc Ads
ELECTRONICS - Semiconductor - Specialized  
$54.80 -0.03


38.61% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 1,768,300
12/23/2013 $54.59 PP = $52.48
MB = $55.10
Most Recent Note - 12/23/2013 5:56:35 PM
Y - Finished strong today after highlighted in yellow with pivot point cited based on its 10/21/13 high plus 10 cents in the mid-day breakouts report (read here). Hit a new 52-week high with its 5th consecutive gain, and it technically broke out with a volume-driven gain on the prior session. This high-ranked UK-based Electronics - Semiconductor firm reported earnings +39% on +28% sales in the Sep '13 quarter, marking 3 consecutive quarterly comparisons with an earnings increase above the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria). It followed a downturn in FY '09 earnings with strong annual earnings increases (A criteria). The number of top-rated funds owning its shares rose from 206 in Sep '12 to 256 in Sep '13, a reassuring sign concerning the I criteria. It has a large supply of 470 million shares outstanding. See the latest FSU analysis for more details and new annotated daily and weekly graphs.
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : No Overhead Supply Remains Following Volume-Driven Breakout - 12/23/2013
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Celgene Corp
DRUGS - Drug Manufacturers - Major  
$168.93 -0.21


45.61% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 2,758,100
9/12/2013 $149.50 PP = $150.02
MB = $157.52
Most Recent Note - 12/24/2013 2:48:25 PM
G - Found prompt support near prior highs in the $161 area and its 50 DMA line recently. Subsequent violations would raise greater concerns and trigger technical sell signals.
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Cooling Volume Totals While Hovering Near Highs - 12/4/2013
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N I C Inc
INTERNET - Internet Software and Services  
$24.49 +0.51


78.33% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 293,800
12/20/2013 $24.00 PP = $26.09
MB = $27.39
Most Recent Note - 12/27/2013 6:43:12 PM
Y - Subsequent gains above the pivot with sufficient volume may trigger a new (or add-on) technical buy signal. Recent low ($22.17 on 12/16/13) defines near-term support above its 200 DMA line. See the latest FSU analysis for more details and new annotated daily and weekly graphs.
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Rebounded Above 50-Day Average; Relative Strength Rating Waned - 12/27/2013
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E Q T Midstream Partners
ENERGY - Oil and Gas Pipelines  
$58.30 +0.47


26.40% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 135,700
12/12/2013 $53.17 PP = $56.51
MB = $59.34
Most Recent Note - 12/23/2013 3:55:19 PM
Y - Gapped up today while rallying to a new 52-week high with today's 4th consecutive gain. A gain above the pivot point backed by at least +40% above average volume is needed to trigger a proper technical buy signal.
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Finding Support Near 50-Day Moving Average While Perched Near Highs - 12/13/2013
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Facebook Inc Cl A
$55.44 -2.29


80.10% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 75,390,600
12/12/2013 $51.40 PP = $54.93
MB = $57.68
Most Recent Note - 12/27/2013 6:40:56 PM
Y - Retreated below its "max buy" level and its color code is changed to yellow. Recently rallied from a 9-week cup shaped base without a handle after completing a Public Offering on 12/20/13.
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Well Known Social Media Firm on Watch List While Still Base Building - 12/12/2013
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Company Name
Industry Group
Day High Volume
(% DAV)
(% 50 day avg vol)
52 Wk Hi
% From Hi
Pivot Featured
Max Buy
Fleetcor Technologies
DIVERSIFIED SERVICES - Business/Management Services  
$115.95 -2.58


66.45% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 793,000
8/19/2013 $99.01 PP = $100.97
MB = $106.02
Most Recent Note - 12/24/2013 2:40:55 PM
G - Still consolidating above its 50 DMA line. A subsequent violation of that important near-term support level may trigger a technical sell signal.
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Enduring Distributional Pressure While Extended From Sound Base - 12/17/2013
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Generac Hldgs Inc
CONSUMER DURABLES - Electronic Equipment  
$56.24 -0.30


46.20% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 781,400
11/26/2013 $53.02 PP = $52.42
MB = $55.04
Most Recent Note - 12/26/2013 6:31:07 PM

G - Finished at a best-ever close today following recent gains with light volume. Prior highs in the $52 area define initial support to watch on pullbacks.

>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Following Latest Breakout Prior Highs Define Support - 11/29/2013
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Herbalife Ltd
DRUGS - Nutrition and Weight Management  
$78.28 -0.49


41.55% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 2,682,300
11/22/2013 $72.21 PP = $75.04
MB = $78.79
Most Recent Note - 12/24/2013 2:39:46 PM
Y - Pulled back from its 52-week high today following 6 consecutive gains, rallying with no resistance due to overhead supply. Color code is changed to yellow after quietly dipping below its "max buy" level.
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Perched Near Highs Following Rebound - 11/22/2013
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Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc
DRUGS - Biotechnology  
$123.29 -2.32


49.07% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 738,700
9/30/2013 $93.20 PP = $89.10
MB = $93.56
Most Recent Note - 12/26/2013 6:32:38 PM
G - Hovering at its 52-week high after heavy volume behind considerable gains on 12/20/13 news it will buy Gentium Spa (GENT) for $1 Billion.
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Technically Extended Stock May Be a Dangerous Chase - 12/10/2013
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Michael Kors Hldgs Ltd
RETAIL - Apparel Stores  
$80.58 -0.44


29.95% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 4,810,200
8/6/2013 $69.66 PP = $66.28
MB = $69.59
Most Recent Note - 12/23/2013 12:37:12 PM
G - Retreating from its 52-week high with above average volume behind today's loss. Testing support to watch at its 50 DMA line. Did not form a recent base of sufficient length.
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Consolidation Too Brief To Note New Pivot - 12/6/2013
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Company Name
Industry Group
Day High Volume
(% DAV)
(% 50 day avg vol)
52 Wk Hi
% From Hi
Pivot Featured
Max Buy
Marlin Business Services
DIVERSIFIED SERVICES - Rental and Leasing Services  
$25.30 -0.19


36.80% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 25,800
12/19/2013 $26.69 PP = $28.74
MB = $30.18
Most Recent Note - 12/26/2013 6:29:14 PM
Y - Rebounded above its 50 DMA line today with light volume behind its gain and its color code is changed to yellow. Subsequent volume-driven gains above the pivot point are needed to trigger a proper new technical buy signal.
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Finished Weak While Enduring Distributional Pressure - 12/19/2013
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Priceline.Com Inc
INTERNET - Internet Software and Services  
$1,170.31 -19.54


87.49% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 590,100
12/18/2013 $1,156.20 PP = $1,198.85
MB = $1,258.79
Most Recent Note - 12/24/2013 2:44:35 PM
Y - Endured distributional pressure recently at its highs after forming an advanced "3-week tight" base, albeit a riskier "late-stage" set-up. The new pivot point was based on its 11/29/13 high plus 10 cents. Subsequent volume-driven gains above the pivot point may trigger a new (or add-on) technical buy signal. It 50 DMA line defines important support to watch on pullbacks.
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Extended From Any Sound Base Pattern - 12/3/2013
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Soufun Hldgs Ltd Ads A
INTERNET - Internet Information Providers  
$81.14 -0.44


40.17% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 1,331,800
10/17/2013 $58.02 PP = $53.87
MB = $56.56
Most Recent Note - 12/24/2013 2:45:53 PM
G - Volume was below average behind today's 3rd consecutive gain for new all-time highs. Held its ground stubbornly and wedged higher since noted in prior reports with caution - "It is extended from any sound base pattern yet may produce more climactic gains. Prior highs and its 50 DMA line coincide in the $59 area defining important support to watch."
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Extended From Base Yet May Produce More Climactic Gains - 12/9/2013
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Silicom Ltd
COMPUTER HARDWARE - Networking andamp; Communication Dev  
$45.05 +0.10


24.47% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 42,700
12/23/2013 $44.62 PP = $46.25
MB = $48.56
Most Recent Note - 12/27/2013 6:47:54 PM
Y - Inched higher today on light volume for a best-ever close. Approaching its pivot point cited based on its 11/12/13 high plus 10 cents noted in the 12/23/13 mid-day report (read here). This Israeli manufacturer of Computer - Networking devices rallied toward its 52-week high with today's 7th consecutive gain. Little resistance remains due to overhead supply. Subsequent volume-driven gains above the pivot point may trigger a technical buy signal. Its small supply (S criteria) of only 3.93 million shares in the public float can contribute to greater price volatility.
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Stock With Small Supply Has Formed a Sound Base Pattern - 12/24/2013
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S S & C Technologies
COMPUTER SOFTWARE and SERVICES - Application Software  
$43.35 +0.26


42.86% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 293,800
10/22/2013 $39.17 PP = $40.04
MB = $42.04
Most Recent Note - 12/23/2013 1:23:30 PM
G - Found prompt support near its 50 DMA line but it has not formed a sound new base. Recent low ($38.85 on 12/13/13) defines important near-term support to watch below its 50 DMA line.
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Found Prompt Support After Damaging Losses Raised Concerns - 12/16/2013
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Company Name
Industry Group
Day High Volume
(% DAV)
(% 50 day avg vol)
52 Wk Hi
% From Hi
Pivot Featured
Max Buy
Stratasys Ltd
COMPUTER HARDWARE - Computer Peripherals  
$129.00 -1.33


62.79% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 1,147,900
10/11/2013 $102.94 PP = $105.38
MB = $110.65
Most Recent Note - 12/26/2013 6:27:29 PM
G - Perched near its 52-week high after rallying from support at its 50 DMA line. Previously noted with caution - "Reported earnings +13% on +153% sales revenues, below the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria) raising fundamental concerns."
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Rallying From Support at 50-Day Moving Average Line - 12/20/2013
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Ultimate Software Group
INTERNET - Internet Software and Services  
$153.09 +0.32


64.46% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 147,000
10/16/2013 $142.95 PP = $151.18
MB = $158.74
Most Recent Note - 12/26/2013 6:24:35 PM
G - Inched above its 50 DMA line today with light volume behind its gain. See the latest FSU analysis for more details and new annotated daily and weekly graphs.
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Gain on Light Volume While Inching Above 50-Day Average - 12/26/2013
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Valeant Pharmaceuticals
DRUGS - Drug Manufacturers - Other  
$113.60 +0.04


50.92% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 1,067,700
9/11/2013 $100.26 PP = $105.50
MB = $110.78
Most Recent Note - 12/23/2013 1:25:21 PM
G - Consolidating above its 50 DMA line and only -3.0% off its 52-week high. Recent lows in the $102 area define near-term support where a violation may trigger a technical sell signal. Resilient after earnings +24% on +74% sales revenues for the Sep '13 quarter came in a notch below the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria).
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Rebounding With Volume Backed Gains But Fundamental Concerns Remain - 12/18/2013
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Yandex N V Class A
INTERNET - Internet Information Providers  
$42.58 -0.36


64.24% of 50 DAV
50 DAV is 2,595,200
11/27/2013 $39.61 PP = $42.10
MB = $44.21
Most Recent Note - 12/26/2013 6:26:14 PM
Y - Rallied further above the previously cited pivot point and hit another new 52-week high with light volume behind today's 10th consecutive gain. Found prompt support at its 50 DMA line recently. At least +40% above average volume should be behind gains above the pivot point to trigger a proper new technical buy signal.
>>> FEATURED STOCK ARTICLE : Forming New Base Pattern With Little Resistance Remaining - 11/27/2013
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THESE ARE NOT BUY RECOMMENDATIONS!  Comments contained in the body of this report are technical opinions only. The material herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable and accurate, however, its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. This site is not an investment advisor, hence it does not endorse or recommend any securities or other investments. Any recommendation contained in this report may not be suitable for all investors and it is not to be deemed an offer or solicitation on our part with respect to the purchase or sale of any securities. All trademarks, service marks and trade names appearing in this report are the property of their respective owners, and are likewise used for identification purposes only.

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Kenneth J. Gruneisen founded Gruneisen Growth Corp. (2003), which prior to May 11, 2015, operated and both under license from Data Analysis Inc. / Investor's Business Daily. Kenneth has passed the CAN SLIM® Master's Exam. Gruneisen Growth Corp. now continues over two decades of fact based market analysis via

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