3/16/2023 12:53:06 PM - Violated its 50 DMA line with a volume-driven loss on the prior session. Recent quarterly comparisons through Dec '22 showed greatly improved earnings versus the year-ago periods. Annual earnings history (A criteria) included losses in FY '20 and '21 leaving fundamental concerns.
7/30/2015 12:43:07 PM - Pulling back near its 50 DMA line today. Slumped from all-time highs following M&A news and bullish action when last noted with caution in the 7/14/15 mid-day report - "Waning sales revenues and up and down annual earnings history (A criteria) are fundamental concerns."
7/14/2015 12:32:28 PM - Gapped up on the prior session hitting a new all-time high on M&A news. The 7/13/15 mid-day report cautioned members - "Waning sales revenues and up and down annual earnings history (A criteria) are fundamental concerns."
7/13/2015 1:02:00 PM - Gapped up today hitting a new all-time high. Waning sales revenues and up and down annual earnings history (A criteria) are fundamental concerns.
3/13/2013 12:56:02 PM - Holding its ground stubbornly near its all-time high, extended from any sound base pattern. The 2/21/13 mid-day report cautioned - "Reported big earnings versus year-ago losses in the Dec '12 quarter with a +7% sales revenues increase. Prior quarterly comparisons have been below the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria)."
2/21/2013 12:32:38 PM - Retreating from its all-time high hit earlier this week, it is extended from any sound base pattern. Reported big earnings versus year-ago losses in the Dec '12 quarter with a +7% sales revenues increase. Prior quarterly comparisons have been below the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria).