8/6/2024 1:38:05 PM - Gapped up today rebounding near its 52-week high after undercutting its 50 and 200 DMA lines with 3 volume-driven losses. Reported strong Jun '24 quarterly earnings results. Subpar sales revenues growth and quarterly and annual earnings (C and A criteria) are not a match with the fundamental guidelines of the fact-based investment system.
8/2/2024 12:16:02 PM - Gapped down today violating its 50 DMA line. Subpar sales revenues growth and quarterly and annual earnings (C and A criteria) are not a match with the fundamental guidelines of the fact-based investment system.
5/7/2024 12:18:48 PM - Gapped up today hitting a new all-time high after briefly consolidating above its 50 DMA line. Subpar sales revenues growth and quarterly and annual earnings (C and A criteria) are not a match with the fundamental guidelines of the fact-based investment system.
9/16/2022 12:22:53 PM - Violating its 50 DMA line and testing its 200 DMA line with today's big loss. Quarterly and annual earnings (C and A criteria) are not a match with the fundamental guidelines of the fact-based investment system.
9/15/2022 12:41:46 PM - Consolidating above its 50 DMA line. Quarterly and annual earnings (C and A criteria) are not a match with the fundamental guidelines of the fact-based investment system.
9/14/2022 12:29:46 PM - Consolidating above its 50 DMA line. Quarterly and annual earnings (C and A criteria) are not a match with the fundamental guidelines of the fact-based investment system.
11/1/2016 12:14:32 PM - Undercutting its 50 DMA line after gapping down today. Reported earnings +35% on -8% sales revenues for the Sep '16 quarter. Waning sales revenues and up and down annual earnings (A criteria) are not a match with guidelines of the fact-based investment system.
6/17/2014 11:58:42 AM - Challenging its 52-week high with today's 3rd consecutive gain. Undercut its 50 DMA line during its consolidation then rebounded since last noted with caution in the 5/13/14 mid-day report - "Reported earnings +30% on +7% sales revenues for the Mar '14 quarter, its 2nd consecutive quarterly comparison above the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria). Sales revenues growth history has been below guidelines. Quarterly sales should be up +18-25% or more or accelerating over prior quarters."
5/13/2014 12:32:18 PM - Hit a new 52-week high with its early gain today then reversed into the red. Reported earnings +30% on +7% sales revenues for the Mar '14 quarter, its 2nd consecutive quarterly comparison above the +25% minimum earnings guideline (C criteria). Sales revenues growth history has been below guidelines. Quarterly sales should be up +18-25% or more or accelerating over prior quarters.
3/12/2007 12:31:48 PM - "C" questionable and quarter sales history is below guidelines. Quarterly sales should be up 25% or more or accelerating over prior quarters
2/27/2007 1:02:10 PM - "C" questionable and quarter sales history is below guidelines. Quarterly sales should be up 25% or more or accelerating over prior quarters
2/16/2007 12:32:56 PM - "C" questionable and quarter sales history is below guidelines.
2/14/2007 12:36:21 PM - "C" questionable and quarter sales history is below guidelines.
2/6/2007 12:33:18 PM - "C" questionable and quarter sales history is below guidelines.