8/4/2023 12:32:04 PM - Gapped up today hitting a new all-time high and it is extended from any sound base. The Jun '23 its quarterly earnings comparisons have been above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria). An abrupt downtun in FY '20 earnings (A criteria) has been followed by strong earnings growth. The company was previously known as Priceline (PCLN).
9/12/2019 12:20:02 PM - Went through a deep consolidation since last noted with caution in the 5/10/18 mid-day report. The company, previously known as Priceline (PCLN), has not shown quarterly earnings comparisons above the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria).
5/10/2018 12:31:44 PM - The company previously known as Priceline (PCLN) gapped down today violating its 50 DMA line ($2,118). Weak action came after it reported earnings +21% on +21% sales revenues for the Mar '18 quarter. Prior quarterly earnings comparisons were below the +25% minimum guideline (C criteria).